For example, everyone remembers the book by Betty Mahmoody "Not Without My Daughter", but who knows it was a hoax Islamophobic tailor-made for Reagan's America to feed the hatred and stereotypes cons Muslims in general and Iran in particular?
And yet today, some journalists have Coltines work and audits have shown that the story as told by Betty Mahmoody could not take place. The paternal family of small Mataub has also provided his testimony and of course denies all the allusions in the book.
I remember reading this book was released, and have been marked ... On one hand I was very young and very naive and I tend to believe what I read in books, especially if I had borrowed from the library I could not imagine at the time that the books listed in the library can be directed ... I was really naive not true, since it is clear that libraries are just the place of the single thought!
Still I could not help but be embarrassed in the armholes when I read this book, given the number of passage clearly racist ... What I remember of the book today: the Iranians are dirty types, without any physical hygiene and food, they are violent, unjust and wicked ...
Later I read the book Midnight Express and I stayed on the same impressions: the Turks are dirty people, with no hygiene, they are violent, unjust and wicked.
Normal: is the purpose of such books to impregnate the collective subconscious with these ideas of hatred towards those people whom we know nothing here ...
Especially as the author of "Not Without My Daughter" and "Midnight Express" is in fact one and the same person and he has therefore taken the same string: William Hoffer.
The aim is precisely to imbue people with the idea that these people these Muslims are absolute beasts ...
This idea will be hammered in the literature, will receive heavy promotion from the press and media, which will systematically ignore their conduct and the necessary audit work, and which are therefore part of the brainwashing machine Islamophobic, then these books will be adapted to film and broadcast and rebroadcast on television ...
After some years of this regime, we can indiscriminately designate Iran as a country or obscurantist women are stuck at home, where they have no rights, and where the mullahs have the right to life and death on them ...
This is exactly the opposite of reality: Iran is becoming a country that is feminized, and whose institutions are destined to increasingly feminized. 60% of university students are women, which will necessarily affect social ... Only
Iranian feminism that is inventing itself in Iran, has absolutely nothing to do with Western feminism strictly ideologically framed, and served often causes the less noble, including participating in the Islamophobic hysteria room, see being in the forefront of this hysteria.
Indeed, feminist hypocrite "Neither whores nor submissive", or the systematic support of many feminist lies in the most notorious Islamophobes, signs the ideological affiliation of these organizations.
Simply follow to achieve the actions and work of Caroline Fourest example.
What motivates this post?
Reading this article from the Palestine Chronicle ... Revealing the hoax of two major recent books of Islamophobia.
books that try to pass a Muslim man for a barbarian that reduces women to less than nothing who does not hesitate to murder his wife or daughter for dark tales of honor, see burn her alive.
I remember a few years ago when I went to Asda, lying between two books by Caroline Fourest, you could find books touting the title as "Burned Alive."
Vaccinated against these lies for many years, I passed my way.
But obviously these books were selling well ...
Today I have the confirmation that these books were hoaxes. Read this article in English, feel free to translate it, I find it edifying.
So apparently this story is totally invented Souad, and as nobody has ever seen without his mask and that is saying she is hiding and has remade his life we will never know what face is real author of this scam that has passed like hotcakes. Moreover, it does not allow the Arab press to interview, and claims not to remember the language, probably because of the trauma eh.
Another revelation of this article of the Palestine Chronicle: Norma Khouri, author of "Forbidden Love" and "For the honor of Dalia" other global bestsellers Islamophobic, invented all the stories that made her a rich woman. With of course the complicity of his publishers and the media have praised, let alone feminist who defended him, without ever checking, as in all similar cases.
It is perhaps not even Muslim, she was born Norma Bagain and Toliopoulos to married name. In Australia it is compared to another highly publicized liar: Helen Darville, better known under the name Helen Demidenko. She had published false memories with the mistaken Ukrainian family supposedly Nazi and anti-Semite who had been part of the Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and who have kept the concentration camps ... These rants were completely in line with stereotypes about eastern European horribly anti-Semitic and genocidal ... She had obviously won the equivalent of the Prix Goncourt in Next Expand Collapse Search ...

Finally was what? Miscellaneous facts atrocious but the magic of literary manipulation, media and film transformed into cultural traits shared by an entire society, a civilization ...
imagine things upside down ... An unbalanced
kills his wife and kids out of desperation following the announcement of a divorce there are many cases like this every year in France ... Imagine that Arab media make it a cultural trait French: French are practicing honor killing in the extreme and kill their whole family, for a simple divorce. It is a regular and recurring in French culture ... Can be found undeniable evidence in this direction. Another cliche
easily mountable pin: the French are all pedophiles (sorry about this, the reputation of French is already done, I had the opportunity to realize it by traveling in some countries Third World who were facing at home in cases of pedophilia involving the French, often also the humanitarian care of children in poverty ... I have already spoken on this blog).
The other day in the subway I heard about the yuppie American and their arrogance, they who take the French for rednecks who have not changed since 1945 ... The executives in question were shocked by how high they were taken by their American colleagues (that I understood their box had been bought by Americans and they happened to many meeting with their staffs in the U.S. ). Arrogance, complacency, a feeling of superiority ... Through much of the French blame the Americans, but they are not shy when they go to practice in former colonies ... So gentlemen if you find intolerable arrogance America against the French, imagine what people may think of the French Moroccan or Tunisian you invade the beaches every summer ...
You see how easy it is to give a name ...
In conclusion we can say what? Tell anything about the Holocaust that goes in the direction of the doctrinaire and allow to restart the machine and make them cry guilty, tell anything about Arabs or Islam that goes in the direction of the impersonate dirty barbarians, without moral values and murderous towards women, and you are sure to be publicized, promoted by what the media are watchdogs of the doctrinaire, you will do money, and probably movies.
What is appalling cons is to see if the books or films antisemitic even if only 10% of what these books are Islamophobes trying to get published in France, all media would sound the motion for battle to check and recheck all the senses the slightest flaw in the story ... And if it turns
ultimately the story was true (he would publish such an account of some atrocities committed by Israeli soldiers since 48), he would receive no response, and would still even fought (just to see with what tenacity the Zionists are trying to pass the death of Mohammed Al Durah small for a hoax, while primary is dead, and secondly, there are thousands of children have been killed by T aha $ £).
Try to finance a film about Naqbah, or distribute it, you tell me the news.