Video: Who Killed John O'Neill? Test part of the Mafia organization globalist anti-Asian racism
Here is a interesting video to watch.
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Interesting to more than one way.
Interesting for what it reveals, especially for what it refrains from revealing: the unspoken is often the most interesting part of such a film.
The film raises troubling connections between various assumptions and business far removed in time and seemingly unrelated.
Apparently only because Curiously there are always the same people behind.
The film fails to acknowledge formally, it gives names and cites facts factual.
The film simulates a person struggling with misinformation and engaged in a dialogue with schizophrenic himself.
The most paranoid and pessimistic of his mind led him to connect in a conspiracy, all these facts seem to be mere coincidence for the most optimistic of his mind, one that refuses to question his comfortable beliefs through the media and power, for fear that the party just paranoid does prevail.
this internal struggle between its part paranoid pessimistic, optimistic and part hyper naive, the ruling is grafted from other parts of his personality: the rational part, the philosophical and so on.
This film illustrates quite well what may happen in the mind of someone taking a sudden realization that something is wrong with the worldview imposed on it, and begins to understand a number of disturbing things.
Reality is sometimes so difficult to accept that this kind of internal conflict can lead to madness, or denial and refuge in the comfort of sheep in triumph, or for those who have the courage to keep going and to ask to the end, a new form to its vision. Renewal which the individual views will not change the situation, but the collective view, if it becomes widespread, can lead to changes, including what people give themselves the means to exercise real control on those who are supposed to govern us, so after all we serve, as it seems we are a democracy.
The only time the word Zionist is pronounced when the game is paranoid insult the naive part.
{{But it is extremely interesting that this film, which attacks many personalities the most senior of the Exchequer American politician and the CIA and the ISI, was careful to attack perfectly Mossad, Israel, or its relay in the United States.}}
But for those interested in the machinations of U.S. intelligence, especially in these cases of Islamic terrorists and handling, it is impossible to overlook the role of Mossad, a forerunner in the field.
Yet that is what made the film in an obvious self-censorship.
Can there be because it gets really dangerous?
In the film the actor repeatedly warned: it gets really dangerous what you said ...
It does so by crescendo, it swings full name and facts, and yet at the end, in his dialogue with what appears to be his superego, the part with the greatest decline in its domestic situation, it is the simple question of the beginning: that is what really happened on September 11? Suggesting that the explanation goes far beyond the names he mentioned, and yet everything involving the American state apparatus.
Who does he speak? The involvement of Israel? From a globalist mafia occult would use Israel as they use the U.S.?
In light of what is said in the film, one gets the impression that part of the mystery would be lifted if we knew the identity of those who organize the world drug traffic ...
You should know that today, money from drugs and arms smuggling schemes, so the money from the mob (I'm not talking about the Cosa Nostra Italian or Italian-American who is a Mafia rubbish compared to the real mafia) represent such a significant share of global financial flows, via the laundering havens by interposed, not only that all MNEs are involved (oil, drugs and weapons are often well together, especially when it 's acts of fomenting unrest in Africa and seen more recently in Burma, the heart of the Golden Triangle), but global growth, and even the world economy is partly based on it.
We saw recently that the subprime crisis, speculative real estate venture in the U.S., had shaken the banking system to the point where some fear a new crisis 29. But the drug money and arms smuggling schemes represent a lot more, and is even more entangled in the global economy through the circuits of tax havens.
You should know that tax havens have been largely developed by the Mafia, and are part of the arsenal of essential financial banks, that's why there will never be the de facto household.
These issues there, the report does not deal with it rather leaves the door open, and everyone is to get his idea.
In any case, despite the unspoken, despite suspicions about the site from which ReOpen911 video, the video is still interesting to watch with a critical eye of course.
Suspicions about the site reopen 911 are as follows: they have been infiltrated by young neo-Zionists under cover, which would have managed to put aside the founder Jimmy Walter, who threw in the towel due to internal dissensions, when he had resisted threats U.S. government and CIA, and some argue that media exposure enjoyed exceptional Dylan Avery is actually a red herring on September 11 by overexposing the U.S. responsibility, and minimizing the Israeli responsibility. This is certainly rumors that agitate the Web, since the media coverage of loose change 1 and 2, and since Avery said he was trying to make a big budget Hollywood film on September 11 in Following what Michael Moore.
Some argue that these charges are attributable to anti-Semitic criticism of Avery that would have Jewish roots, so the suspicion of party made pro-Israeli, others are rather suspicious invitations Dylan Avery on Fox News, the chain's most neoconservative, to present his film! It is true that it seems extraordinary when you know a few methods to the chain!
Others see the producers of the Hollywood version of Loose Change as the Zionists have produced or distributed the films anti-Muslim (with the Muslims as terrorists, criticizing Al Jazeera), in return they are accused of anti-Semitism because a producer is Jewish.
I can not give links to many forums (in English) where pro-and anti-avery engage in a fistfight, but the controversy has reached epidemic proportions large enough to be talked about.
And it's true that the media coverage of a boy of barely 20 years on this subject is still suspicious, especially since it has absolutely nothing to the debate on the topic, all topics that it addresses have already been ReOpen911 videos on the site at launch. By
cons he managed to make the movie "sexy", much more enjoyable to watch than the previous movies of the site, thanks to a well chosen soundtrack and a montage meet codes Hollywood.
But critics who accuse him of being selective to clear Israel are not wrong: before and after September 11 there was an intense Israeli secret service in the U.S., and many expulsions (the case of students in fine arts, moving companies Mossad etc..) none of these cases are not seriously addressed by Avery.
For example, the film above addresses the murder of Daniel Pearl in a completely innovative and interesting.
Unfortunately we would have liked it tackles the murder of Nicholas Berg, whom many suspect of being a Mossad agent. As luck would have taken flying lessons in the same school as Mohammed Atta and would have lent his laptop so that it sends messages to his terrorist friends ... Huge! And as if by chance we find this type in Iraq after the U.S. invasion. He was captured by coalition forces and detained for 2 weeks, its coverage is that of a telecom technician ... As luck after his release he was captured by "Islamists" and beheaded ... However, many sources argue that beheading is staged: the "Islamists" are suspected of gold jewelry and watches, absurd for a fundamentalist Muslim who wear Gold is forbidden (it is reserved for Women in Islam). Some say it is staged, and wondered why the band seems to have been mounted at the time of decapitation, which also seems implausible.
Another curious fact: Moore's propaganda film "Farehneit 911" had met Nicholas Berg, gold in the first draft he had simply cut the scenes in which Berg appeared (not to hurt the family officially) to back after some controversy erupted.
Now you must know that Michael Moore's agent is none other than Rahm Emmanuel, the spokesman for the Democratic party, and the equivalent of Julian National Dray. Rahm Emmanuel was born and lived in Israel until 25 years before joining the USA where he took citizenship and had a meteoric rise within the Democratic Party. Many suspect him of being an Israeli agent.
Not surprisingly, Moore has stressed in his overhyped film (and winner of the Palme d'Or) on the role of Saudi petro-dollars into the U.S. economy.
Supposedly 18% of the U.S. economy would be in the hands of Saudis.
Now all those who have some knowledge on the subject know that the reverse: 100% of Saudi petrodollars in the hands of Americans.
Besides, we clearly see that the turbulence caused by the Saudi falling dollar, causing inflation feverish, do not plead for a grip of the Saudis on the U.S. economy but rather the reverse.
And it was indeed the goal when Kissinger and Nixon decided to knowingly cause the oil shock of 1973 to increase the price per barrel, thus supporting the dollar, which had abandoned the gold as carrier. You should know that 50% of Saudi oil profits go to American companies that exploit it, the rest to the Saudis. For Kissinger and Nixon, it was urgent to control the mass of Saudi dollars: it was one hand and foot bind the Saudis to the U.S. economy to keep them from blackmail, and secondly it was repatriated to Saudi dollars they serve in the U.S. economy. The Saudis have been forced to work: within the royal family, all who cons were met quickly died under strange conditions, starting with King Faisal.
I begin to diverge from the topic I know, but as everything is connected (and the film shows very well ...).
Avery can emphasize the role of the oil lobby and the military, but it is impossible to explain the policy of the neocons by ignoring the pro-Israeli lobbies.
It seems that despite the First Amendment, speech is not free if it after all the USA.
These details deserve to be set.
Good movie.
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