Héhééé, here is a small Ultrafast who challenged me ... Read it in full!
We're all so used for over 5 years of continuous campaign of the candidate Sarkozy, has heard the news stand behind the teachers against the little savages "color", which of course I expected to read this brief that the AFP, necessarily objective (it is paid for that), take the teacher's defense against the cheeky little shit, always black and Arab, who assaulted and crossed the line.
MAUBEUGE (AFP) - A teacher who admitted slapping a classroom
Grade 6 student who had insulted him, Monday Berlaimont (North), near Maubeuge, has been placed for 24
hours in police custody.
He will be tried late March
for "aggravated violence against minors", said on Wednesday
judicial source.
Monday morning, the technology teacher at the college
Gilles de Chin, aged 49, had pushed the floor of the student affairs
11 years old after asking to store a table in disarray at the back of
class, "he told an AFP correspondent. But the pupil
have asked for an explanation and the teacher would have pushed against the door bottom
. The child, looking into his eyes, would have blown "asshole" to
address the teacher who slapped him at that time.
By late morning, the father of the minor
, himself a policeman in uniform came to college to
seek clarification from the professor before filing a complaint. Later,
police came for the teacher in him and placed him in custody for 24 hours
"In 30 years of career, I had never talked like that.
My heart missed a beat, and I slapped him," said the professor admits
an "authoritarian temperament "and being" a bit maniacal ". "We do not accept
a teacher slapped a child whatever the circumstances
, "said the rector.
The teacher has been suspended until
his trial for" aggravated violence "March 27 court
Correctional Avesnes-sur-Helpe.
We're all so used for over 5 years of continuous campaign of the candidate Sarkozy, has heard the news stand behind the teachers against the little savages "color", which of course I expected to read this brief that the AFP, necessarily objective (it is paid for that), take the teacher's defense against the cheeky little shit, always black and Arab, who assaulted and crossed the line.
In fact as and when we read, is quite the opposite of what the media have watered during the last 5 years is going ...
The teacher, instead of being praised for his authoritarianism and his fist against the savages "color", finds himself in custody.
The reason is simple: it is not a little savage "of color" who attacked, but the son of a policeman (the story does not tell us whether the policeman is "color" but I guess not, reasoning statistically on the number of policemen "of color "on the one hand, and the chances that such a case takes such proportions if it had been a small black slapped, he was the son of Constable).
This paper demonstrates the double standard almost gleefully unaware of the media, and society of double standards in which one sinks.
First, if this kid was not the son of policeman, the teacher would have never been in police custody 24 hours for a simple slap. I do not defend the "violence" of teachers, but sometimes there are slapping that are lost, even if it is not common, it happens that teachers slap students, and they do not end up in custody so far. I bet that this teacher is customary due, except that there it has chosen its target badly.
This incident demonstrates that the police and other police officers, lawyers and judges, who are part of the machinery of the police and judiciary, have privileged access to this unit when it comes to defending their own affairs . In this area, shoemakers are not the worst shod, quite the contrary.
Golden Republic, a police officer, policeman or magistrate who takes hold of Justice to settle a case should return to being a private citizen and does not benefit either the zeal or the complacency of his colleagues.
This is clearly not the case: it can be concluded that in principle, the difference between a banana republic is thin. The degree of complacency and corruption is certainly not the same, but in principle, from the moment a politician or a policeman can blow up the PV of a friend, we are already in a form of unfair favoritism violates republican principles, even when justice can be used on a preferred by those who are part of the system.
In fact, it You just recognize that we live in a caste system, where some have more rights than others.
What difference in the background with a communist society in which aparatchiks enjoyed hobbies rights and privileges?
On any principles, then it's a matter of degree.
But if the republican principles are violated, regardless of the degree, there is the soil needed to make a difference to a society increasingly unfair. That's what happens with a font that is becoming increasingly repressive and increased defense of the citizen to the suspicion of all citizens ... A bit again, as a former political police of former East European countries, where the police were there to monitor the people to protect them.
I exaggerate? J'affabule? No, it's just a matter of degree. The shift in the last 15 years has done so naturally, with the complicity of the media hysteria and racist and Islamophobic negrophobia making suspicious social strata of the population most vulnerable.
As anticipated from the beginning, the hardening of relations police against certain categories of the French population is now expanding to the rest of the population.
is classic! The public did not react when the police became increasingly repressive in the neighborhoods, when community policing was supprimmée and instead we put the cowboys who assume that all residents of neighborhoods are suspect, the little old lady in the headscarf schoolboy with his satchel.
The relationship between the police and these neighborhoods have escalated until these become even more ghetto ghettos. When we checked 3 times per day by the same officers, who know you by heart, knowing that you are speaking, what amounts to harassment, it is enough to feel excluded from society. Why not install checkpoints in the neighborhoods? I guess that's the meaning of the proposals made by experts in NS Israeli police who came to the counselor during the 2005 riots.
Until this hardening policeman was confined to quarters, the population made complacent by hypnosis and television media has absolutely no reaction. Instead, she applauded! It was time to restore order in these lawless areas.
The problem (predictably) is that these flawed relations are spread increasingly to the rest of the population, even white and Christian.
must never forget that all measures taken against the most unjust to the weaker sections of the population, have always served in all plans to prepare public opinion for the extension of these measures remains of the population!
This is particularly true of UAV currently used on an exceptional basis by the Police to monitor certain events (Parade July 14) under the guise of fighting against terrorism, the use of UAVs is being extended to the districts, and will soon be extended to events. Ideal for taking photos of protesters without detection! Note that the drones are used in Israel to monitor the Palestinian territories, hence suggesting that their use in France was inspired by the Israeli police advisers received by NS in 2005-2006 ...
Anyway, regarding the police abuse of authority, they extend more and more out of neighborhoods.
Today it is the leftists standing up for undocumented are treated the same way that the "natives" of neighborhoods. Brutality, harassment, lawsuits galore (contempt agent for simply questioning a police officer, rebellion for simply asked why, if nothing else, all in immediate appearance, so speedy justice, see your sites miscellaneous Preferred for details).
Tomorrow who's next? Everything is in place for society to make society more police: it waiting for a September 11 French, and the establishment of a patriot act version camembert ...
But I digress: back to the history teacher.
So this teacher, who was defended by the press if he had slapped a small black or a cheeky little Arabic, will take 24 hours in police custody for slapping a policeman's son. And the article clearly condemns this teacher, and presents the facts in order to justify the reaction of the kid: Fury of the teacher made the kid throws the business down and stick it to the door ... Normal for the kid sucker treats his teacher because it as presented.
In fact, this version is certainly not the media version of prof. But we will not know anything.
I guess if it was a small black slapped, or a little Arabic, things would certainly have been presented differently.
Instead of generating a debate on violence by teachers against students, it is certainly the opposite would have happened: it would have generated a debate on the violence of students vis-à-vis teachers, and would have raised the question of authority Teacher's gender should it restore corporal punishment? ". It's always like that the rest What was presented in such cases the last 5-6 years.
In conclusion, when you're a small white policeman's son, there are extenuating circumstances for treating a teacher asshole, and slapped the teacher is a sign of intolerable violence that deserves a teacher 24 hours in police custody and interest of the national press.
When you're a small black or Arab son of a poor without relations, it is always wrong, and the slap of any teacher is merely the symbol of authority the former should restore these young cons who violate the most sacred shrine of the school ...
Abuse of power, double standards forever ...
PS: I am personally to a school where they study, implying that gives teachers the means to implement their authority, without going to the corporal punishment of course, since there will always be sadistic teachers to abuse their power. It should be possible for example effectively handle disruptive students. Formerly the school was deemed authoritative leave on the side maladjusted students, crabs and everything else. Today, in some neighborhoods, it suffers badly from reverse: leaving some students heckle inappropriate courses without adequate response to proposing is the class that is injured, including students anxious to move forward. We need to find responses to some cases of disruptive students (and often family and social suffering for what I saw, and enjoy themselves at school), with appropriate care of the problem. It is true that the school is not the place of social or psychological help, because in fact, quite the opposite: all the problems of children is discharged to the school. If the state fails to take into account the social and psychological dimension of school just to make a "temple of knowledge", they make a mistake completely and certainly will solve the problem of PTA. But they really want to fix it? Inevitably the social and family problems spill over the child, so the school where he spends most of his day. Now the teachers are absolutely not prepared for that. And it must be said, in many PTA Teacher do not care about their students, even conditioning them to prepare failure. I lived as a student first, then attending teachers. Many teachers in the PTA are young graduates from Province who are totally disgusted with the obligation upon them to come and teach away from home in the worst suburbs. They live poorly, and this will affect their teaching. Many have huge misconceptions about the children they must support, bias in the media for years. This is also the same problem with the police: why always send the contact population of suburban youth provincial inexperienced, unmotivated, and who do not understand these neighborhoods? I spoke at some schools to prevent students guidance disastrous "typed" into undervalued sectors like apprenticeships in college. In one case, the words "next grade" had been erased with white correction on the ballot to redirect the student to a fourth technology, so that the student had good grades. It was in this case to fill a new class of fourth techno which opened at the time in college. Who do you think they have directed force there? Blacks and Arabs ... At the meeting with teachers to address the problem, there were almost as parents "white" to come to complain about a policy to be arbitrary ... And a few Arab and black ... All have been successful on appeal. For those with whom I kept in touch, most had their tray and continued in college. In one case, a young highly motivated even managed to reinstate the high road and end up in a large school, despite a passage through the channels "technological". All this indicates to me a colonial administration of education in some districts: to fill the new 4th grade technology, it automatically mute and without asking the small black and Arab, including when the class council had decided on their next grade, and no one hesitates to use it for the blanco! The worst is the number of parents completely conditioned to feel inferior intellectually and actually accepts without questions asked trial of professors ... How surprising to many flagrant injustice, that little kid treated like a nobody by his teachers, had a conflicting relationship with the teachers when it became the parent of a student?
note, I do not blame all the teachers, but I have enough known as this to know that this is a real problem. Golden State must decide when the policy in PTA never takes into account the teacher factor, including prejudice and lack of motivation that affect many young teachers who see their assignment as punishment. Should not we instead put the most motivated teachers in the PTA? If necessary should not have to motivate teachers by offering higher pay, and judging them in part the result?
I do not obviously share the vision of a fanatical Finkielkraut about the school, for what I could tell, and I have a sacred experience having attended school trash can top-level schools, the school is primarily a breeding ground of caste in French, and impregnating the mold small citizens of future prejudice and conditioned reflexes will be expected of him as an adult. This is not to make the citizen too smart, just enough for him to vote, it works, consumes, pay taxes and close his mouth.
For me at school is vital to distinguish between the harmful and positive, because there are two, and it also depends on a lot of teachers we have and their political opinions, or just their principles and ideals of life.
I'm not saying do not learn what I call "the pest". Instead, we must learn and repeat like a parrot, while being no fool and knowing yourself overwhelmed by the prejudices that we are taught. This is especially true for geo-history programs remain particularly impregnated with prejudice "the Ferry", ie colonial prejudices, and highlighted everything that is the Republic, taking care to erase all that is really annoying (negative side of colonialism: genocide, slavery, not a word in programs).
But if we want his tank and spend his qualifications, it is a necessary evil to learn that the vision of the history of national education.
Ditto for the rest.
In the limit when you're a kid, we must first learn something, something he was biased. What matters then is to revisit any what we take for granted.
revisited I personally almost all the geographical history program, and my vision of the sacred "French Revolution" for example, has completely changed.
It is presented in the program as an act of liberation of the people vis-à-vis the tyranny that is exactly how the Romanian Revolution of 1989 is presented in school curricula Romania, or the Orange Revolution in Ukraine or the Rose Revolution in Georgia, while in each case there is a fraud and a coup to get the political power of the hands of a caste to another. Regarding the French Revolution, the coup was to deprive the aristocracy of French traditional power politics, power inherited from feudalism, ie the operation and defense of the earth, the principal vector wealth during the Middle Ages.
But it is only from the discovery of America, a new class of super-rich ultra-bourgeois began to emerge, including families who made their fortune in the industry sugar Santo Domingo. You should know that at the time of Louis XIV, the sugar industry is by far the largest source of revenue of France, to an extent that it is hard to imagine, and sugar are the consequences of extremely powerful people . Many are the foundation of modern capitalism, are part of the financial system and have been the drivers of the industrial revolution. Some of the bourgeois home commoners are so powerful that they "buy" their titles of nobility, but nevertheless continue to be shunned by the hereditary aristocracy, which intends to enjoy the richness of what they perceive to be pushy but yield nothing their political power ... Money is the sinews of war, it was obvious that this situation could not continue and that because they can effectively penetrate the narrow circles of power of the monarchy, the pre-capitalist bourgeoisie of the era were inevitably led to an attempt to reverse this power ...
course all this accumulation of capital in the pre-industrial was done on the backs of slaves and Native Americans massacred, and never called to account, and c ' this is phenomenal mass of capital accumulated so quickly that laid the foundations of modern capitalism (especially the modern system of private banks challenging the authority and power of state banks, and even supplanting them).

This is a version of the story more realistic and you never hear in the school curriculum because it undermines all the myths about the sacrosanct Republican Revolution, and reveals that just since the beginning, the Republic is a plutocracy ...
Um, this is how to force diverge I come to write the blocks ... Poor Me!
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