Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Invitation Letter For Festival
Let all racist cops in jail! Ghozlan Powa! Carla Bruni

What nonsense!
I have just learned that the 3 cops who held anti-Semitic remarks in a bar the other night, have been put in custody ...
If all the cops who make racist should be put in custody, we may have more cops behind bars before that ...
Ghozlan is decidedly very strong, is not to say he kicked out a telecom operator on a prima facie anti-Semitic, and sometimes even busted his colleagues.
can see who is the head! I propose to appoint as minister Ghozlan from within.
me what shocks me about this story is that cops are rarely convicted or about negrophobia Arabophobia, whereas there by cons, the whole machine was quick to react, and what up at the highest peak!
What a great demo (yet) of double standards!
The worst is that most cops attacked blacks in this bar ...
They could have done as usual the idiots! Insult blacks or Arabs, abuse their status to intimidate or humiliate a boucaque ...
But they have slipped: they passed the limit intolerable, anti-Semitic insults.
For that they will be put in jail.
And to make it happen again, as we indicated in the media, and the interior minister expressed above.
To the cops are well aware of the limit if he would have forgotten to let go on blacks or other Arab and Gypsy gooks OK, but not key to the unspeakable.
Make no mistake not: it is great that these cops should be punished for anti-Semitic ...
But what is needed is that they are also prosecuted for negrophobia because the basis that blacks are they humiliated.
And it would also have all the cops making racist remarks are punished as severely as those, ie with the involvement of the minister.
This is clearly not the case, yet in some quarters, most uninhibited racism is experienced almost daily by a population comes to cowboys, and who actually do the cleaning from the mafia and traffickers important prey for small fish (small offenders, young wankers uncivil but not necessarily very bad) to see the population perfectly honest but guilty of misdemeanor dirty mouth ( the beauty is in the eye of the beholder).
While dealing with this situation?
Enter negrophobia crimes and Arabophobia, as well as Islamophobia or gensduvoyageophobie, plus a gaggle of other crimes in the law.
And establish offices vigileance cons Negrophobia, Arabophobia, Islamophobia and gensduvoyageophobie that could have as many plays as did the office Ghozlan.
You can always brush ... And even though life would become intolerable!
So what? Well, simply to fight against all forms of racism, leaving such anti-Semitism of his judicial ghetto, and in doing so incorporate other racisms, under the same legal regime and being absolutely vigilant against all forms of racism, especially when it comes Police, who is supposed to protect citizens.
Unless it is there to protect and mater ... In which case we would have confirmation that the French Revolution was really a coup by changing the power to amend or hands but how to govern, nor the instruments of power ... It seems that in looking more closely, it is the conclusion we reach there ...
So it's almost 220 years that gargling with notions of equality, liberty and fraternity are all that are a gotcha ...
Or as in Animal Farm, read The added words "especially for pigs."
PS: I'm obviously not accusing all the cops ... but more than 20 years of commuter, I had time to realize that the bad apples were not uncommon ... I have often seen in controls facies allusions degenerate into racist ... This was not done systematically all officials, I have even been embarrassed and become detached, but it exists, and it seems that it has worsened in recent years. Normal given the climate ...
And they accuse Le Pen not have soured the climate ... In my day, racist cops abusing their power was referring rather to Pasqua and Sarkozy to taunt their victims ...
Le Pen has always been an excuse to carry on his shoulders alone the accusations of racism by passing clearance at the left and right.
Some sociologists have talked about the Lepenization minds a few years ago: I rather think that it is the mask of the media left and right who fell progressively to finally express what this whole clique of privileged people think. At one point they perceived it would be politically advantageous to drop the mask, Seeing the big score of Le Pen ...
And believe me, they do not necessarily think most French people from the bottom ... Only there, it would be suicidal politically to recognize ...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
How Can I Cleanse My Stomach
, racism, democracy and system of the Truman Show shit
Carla Bruni naturalized in 5 sec
Go, a few people for a change! Although the policy is not far.
I just heard on a blog, have announced that Claude Gueant naturalization Express Carla Bruni, against all rules and laws of the Republic.
Our elected monarch gave us a beautiful demonstration of the fact of the prince.
In principle, a Franco-foreigner must prove several years (4-5) of common life and residence in the country for abroad (e) could be grant French nationality, whose allocation is also not automatic.
Before the law does not harden, the duration of cohabitation was 2 years, but the fight against bogus marriages.
This law clearly aimed blacks, because every black (e) who marries a (e) French (e) is necessarily suspected of contracting a marriage ... When I say black is at large, I mean the poor third world in general.
It goes without saying that a black African son of minister or good family FranCafrican have no desire to see grant French nationality (again it should be understood broadly and black Françafrique broad sense: all neo-colonial countries, ie almost all former colonies).
Well, once again, we demonstrate that the discourse on the birthright, the right soil, the France you love it or leave it, the fight against immigration and so on. is a vast hypocrisy.
votes are gained on average franchouillard and reactionary ...
makes me more than anything else the trouble: if the medium is so reactionary franchouillard also means that its average life is shit and it alleviates the yelling is more miserable than cons.
hypocrisy of political rhetoric, including reactionary ...
Basically, this is doubly poor franchouillard screwed by the elites: in swallowing and speech reactionary facade politicians (whether left or right, given that today racism is more uninhibited because of the extreme right, which also means little or not, while yet the media climate has never been racist in France I know), he turned against the poor buggers with whom he has more in common than anything else (the contempt of the elites, the life of poverty, social insecurity ...) and he loses sight of the real culprits. .. Those who puff ortolans tringlent and top models in showing off on the yacht and luxury hotels.
Instead of despising the poor cloistered in the cities, the basic franchouillard should realize that the conditions living in cities is what awaits him as he continues to be led by the nose by corrupt elites.
The situation in France could take as long as there was a real middle class, but it is increasingly precarious, more and more suburban: I see among my colleagues, with the increasing massive fortune real estate, even the executives have fled the central cities to settle in the suburbs more and more distant ... A good crash should also not delay for any damn flat and put homeowners in trouble ... New avalanche of bullshit ahead for the coast ... Sarkozy's popularity
Asked Sarkozy is racist? What can we respond?
Sarkozy is not racist ... Or if not as one might think ...
Sarkozy is not racist, or he is racist as are the aristocrats and the bourgeois class is racist. Do not forget he has his father's aristocratic origins and bourgeois by his mother ... Bourgeois and aristocrats from all countries are not racist among them: a son of French billionaire marry a girl easier Muslim billionaire, a poor French shepherdess. Origin and religion are secondary in these cases.
Basically if Sarkozy is a racist, his racism certainly extends to the big red-faced redneck who voted for him ... But stops when the bank account allows you to escape the blackness or bougnoulitude ...
Racism is a bullshit invented to divide the poor slobs them, make them fight, hate, fight against each other, in short to waste time and energy and leave the field open to those who decide.
I did not vote in 2007, the scam was too big ... The campaign had focused on anything but Sarkozy, Sego to win by reaction ...
When we see that the government took over the Sarko PS ministers would have probably named Sego, we think we lost anything.
Instead, I prefer a cash Sarko, who is there and that clearly shows the contempt he has for the common people, that people realize that a good shot.
Sego Sarko same Emptiness ... Uselessness and lure of democracy ...
With Sego we would have had a more soft than Sarko, but also more insidious. At least he shows off ... If it can help open your eyes ...
Anyway policy is decided behind our backs, and policies are only belts. Business lobbies run all the evidence, the democratic voice of the NO in the referendum on the EU constitution is violated with the complicity of the right and the left (which has not voted against the adoption of the parliamentary treaty).
So what the policy is a decoy? Marketing? Yes ...
democracy, a scam? Yes ... You feel you count in the decisions that are taken you?
uselessness of political commitment
"But nothing prevents you to get involved in politics blah blah "... Asshole goes, You can certainly try to get involved in a partner or a party, we'll send you paste posters and meetings that are useless if it is the illusion that you participate in local politics for most rabid ... we will send throwing stones, just to play in the revolution and that you can unwind yourself ... Once
you want to get involved seriously in politics that is trying to influence the debate, see accapparer post-decision, if you do not sleep to our market you are gun ... we Dieudonné has proved that a black said what he thought (and think what a lot of blacks, that the memory of suffering Afro is violated, and that the competition of victimhood that those who complain that the substance, although competition is a big word, we should talk about monopoly) was good for the stake ...
It would be 200 years ago, Dieudonné had been captured, he would have stuffed his ass with gunpowder, and it would have exploded in the public square in front of other slaves to teach them to rebel .. . Yes, it seems that such punishment was practiced ...
Today gunpowder was replaced by media defamation and professional ruin, but in principle it changes nothing, a black freedom zouquer, but should not he dares to open his mouth ...
So all genuine political commitment is impossible: either you're completely taken over and neutralized completely in vain actions, or if you are spotted as intransigent you are pushed to the margin, and if you are considered as potential leader, so beware you!
The only way: to understand what is expected of the negro or nigger today and play the game
Must hurry, with competition on the visibility of blacks and Arabs in the media, there are places to take. Apparently there is also a lot of guys ready to fight and sell fathers and mothers to get there, having their mouths on TV or on a list, and wages that are consistent with ...
And the worst is that I imagine you know: the types who started from scratch after several years of policy can make their careers in brackets to sell, or rather sell their address book, as a consultant in private lobbyist understand, with wages as a Minister in the 12 000 euros per month.
Anyway, I am totally disgusted with politics and I am convinced that all political speeches are playing on the flank the mood of the moment, mood spread on the media ...
10 years ago when winning the World Cup, we were all Black Blanc Beur ...
Today blacks and Beurs are all anti-Semitic ...
In 2 cases is that the press gives the ...
Uselessness humanitarian engagement
"Yeah, but poor apple, you have to be active in humanitarian associations so if you want to be helpful and change things." Bis asshole!
First, humanitarian organizations will not change the system of injustice and oppression who fucks the shit not only here but also in Africa and the Third World in general.
This system supports the injustices ... Let me explain by giving a clear conscience in this country neo-colonization, he keeps his eyes closed on the real issues.
occuppe Furthermore it advocates the more ready to engage, detracting from the real fight needs to happen here in the rich countries, not in Africa.
Just look at that third world countries that are doing best, like China and India are also those who refused external interference, including that of humanitarian. Then
often behind the better-known, hide barbouzards that make the interference under the guise of humanitarian espionage, weapons delivery, support for armed factions and militias ... All assos are not like that, but unfortunately we can not say it's wrong, when Kouchner himself has recognized.
And finally, imagine that I know something about the middle of the humanitarian need to say what is, I know lots of people who do that as we take a safari in Africa ...
They start delivering water pumps, or give French lessons, and already have big pictures in their heads ... They believe their work is useless, parcequ'avec corruption and tribalism that exists in Africa, the pump will be in the chief's hut as a trophy, and eventually rusted and useless ...
For the most honest of these motivations were clear: there are plenty of pretty nice and cool chicks who go do humanitarian work, is the opportunity to make friends with a nurse or language teacher ...
And I'm not talking about pedophilia cases that have involved humanitarian of the entourage of the innénarrable Bernard Kouchner ...
Anyway, ultimately, the final word on all this: the vanity ... All this is useless!
Respect to the doctor and the nurse who saves the life of a small child who is likely anyway to get sniper or crushed by a tank after a few years ...
But rather than treat symptoms, it is the cause of the disease must be tackled ...
And that's the whole system of international relations need to rethink and flat, identifying why the system generates so many horrors and injustices, and how to avoid ...
The problem is the system, political activist for the humane and engaging part of the system ... If we want things to change, we must go to war against the system!
Haaa I dream almost the day we will be ruled by machines, without emotion, without passion, without desire for power and domination, not knowing the love of money and all that follows. ..
Until our political systems are based on it is what will prevail ...
I do not believe in representative democracy, as giving a power an elected representative is to allow it to be corruptible.
Politicians come and go, the lobbies remain.
worse, today they are the lobbies that nominate candidates, so the elected ...
The basis of all this shit: the power of money.
Imagine that Dieudonné is rich as Croesus overnight: it buys TF1, finances films on slavery, finance the next presidential candidate, and of course in return gets a new deal in relations FranCafrican, obtains days of commemorations etc..
Problem: wealth fall from the sky. To become rich, become part of the club, he must necessarily pass through phases of capital accumulation that take generations and over time you change ... The great grand son of Dieudonne is a billionaire if he is a good chance it has nothing to fuck in Africa and that he be put entirely complicit with the powers of mafia money. Moreover
want proof: Just look at the Muslim billionaires? What are they doing to the Muslims who call for help? Bugger all: they are studying at Harvard, and spend their money in casinos luxury to spend their Holiday Packages Saint Tropez, and frequent whores who pass earn the same as the average salary of French ... They are fully recovered by the system ... And it will hardly took 2 generations to rot as they leave ...
Those who do not work in these schemes are either killed or are accused of terrorism and is seen stuck on the bottom of the attacks without any evidence (so far nothing serious has to prove that bin Laden is guilty 911, besides, it is likely there to defend himself).
So the problem is actually much money that corrupts all ...
Who controls the money? Which the product? The prints? Puts it in circulation?
In a democracy it is expected that the main power is in the hands of popular representation: it is false, ECB in Europe and America EDF are private banks that are accountable to no state .
other words, they are private bankers, not politicians, who s'occuppent of money ...
So first thing we need to reclaim the money.
Then, we must study all the mechanisms by which the money can ... All religions forbid lending at interest ... Why?
Large old they had smelt the scrambles?
The money goes to live, but from a critical mass it becomes a weapon! Individual wealth, capital accumulation beyond certain limits, rules of inheritance should be redesigned ....
Money in public life and democratic should also be considered ...
The right to information should be free and fair part of human rights, and for that we must establish a set of rules to prevent the media from being accapparrés by money ...
We fought for centuries to free itself of state censorship, censorship to get back on the money!
the same way that merely increasing the possession of money, you should also limit down, and establish a minimum income of humanity ...
Every human being should be able to have the minimum for living, eating, dressing, hot, heal, learn (schools, media).
How many geniuses die every day before reaching the age of 5?
To prevent abuses around money, we should make all accounts public, more secrets ...
Everyone can tell at a click of the mouse that everyone has, money and valuable goods (cars, houses, yachts ...).
could lengthen the list of proposed studies for a while like that ...
Besides, we should first clear all the debts, and rethink the way we live, so that everyone can live with dignity.
It is obvious that if we want that everyone can live decently, we can not continue to pollute like that in Europe, and we can not accept that other countries will follow suit.
Only it is hypocritical to ban China and India to drive a jalopy if we do not change too.
must leave everything flat and redefine all ...
Reorient agriculture for subsistence and for profit or speculation ...
short, is a global new deal is needed by identifying all the power centers, starting with the one and only real center of power, that of money.
This may seem a little naive, I have no solutions, I just found problems ...
If some want to contribute positively, we can start think together ...
Cismigiu disgusted?
Not realistic ... I just need to take to demonstrate that the old schemes of my family went through in Romania: royalist, communist, free market democracy ...
The difference between these 3 systems?
Slim ... Very thin ...
At the time of King, you shut your mouth and you not criticizing the king or you will land in jail. For the rest, public affairs, the economy was the case of the affluent.
Basically, if the types of messing up too much, the economy was relatively well and you lived not too bad ... In a crisis it is you who clutched the belt until it passes ...
To spend royalism to communism was not asked his opinion to the people, simple coup.
course, immediately after the Communist coup, was not talk of a coup, but democratic and popular revolution against the tyrannical regime of before ...
During communism ditto: if you opened your mouth against the party, you were sent to jail and you will be stuck in political trials in the ass. The ruling classes if they managed not too bad economy, people had nothing to say they had to eat on the table, could go on holiday to the sea, watching TV ... When the crisis set in and he had to tighten their belts, it's still the people who morflé ...
To transition from communism to market democracy, there was not yet sought the views of people: the coup.
Well, we still live in this new system there, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is a coup. It is a popular and democratic revolution against the tyrannical regime before.
Again, what really matters to people is the alternation of periods of economic crises and relative calm ...
But in life every day nothing has changed ...
Prisons are the same since the days of King under the communists and today. You do not change a prison system that wins ... The inner secret police, which existed in the time of the king, has continued to improve. Today it is more discreet than in the days of communism when the goal was to scare people to force them to censor themselves and go straight. She returned to its original objectives, spy, and has adopted modern means.
For self-censorship, no need to allow the threat of the secret police: just to let the associations to paste trial ass citizens who back too, and let the power of money do the rest.
Anyway, everyone was converted successively royalism to communism to democracy and market ...
Why I take this example? Because this is more or less all countries experienced as political developments ... Plans call as you like, royalty, empire, the first republic, third republic, second empire, the mullahs' regime, the Shah regime, tsarist, Soviet, Caliphate, People's Republic ...
Diets pass, but people's lives do not change. They do not make decisions for their lives. Everything is packaged outside their reach.
They undergo ... If there is Thune then fine, if the crisis when you suffered, if it's war you are trying to survive ...
It feels may not be relevant in France Because it makes a bunch of years that there was no real crisis, and even real wars (you can not compare the Russian front and the occupation of France virtually without a fight), but in lots of countries around the world, people morflent morflait worse than at the time of the Great Depression ...
Basically all that to say that basically, all plans are alike: it's autocracy that prevails, whether aristocratic, bourgeois, religious or political.
Show me a true democracy?
And do not tell me "at least you vote here." Primo in dictatorships as they vote, then I can vote more finito!
The big difference between here and dictatorships is that at least here we are smarter and are made more credible genre scores of 50/50 to close pouillièmes that make the difference ... Instead of 99.97% (note the 0.3% granted) banana republic ...

To make you happy: the wallpaper Carla Bru ... Sarkozy, young!
Carla Bruni naturalized in 5 sec
Go, a few people for a change! Although the policy is not far.
I just heard on a blog, have announced that Claude Gueant naturalization Express Carla Bruni, against all rules and laws of the Republic.
Our elected monarch gave us a beautiful demonstration of the fact of the prince.
In principle, a Franco-foreigner must prove several years (4-5) of common life and residence in the country for abroad (e) could be grant French nationality, whose allocation is also not automatic.
Before the law does not harden, the duration of cohabitation was 2 years, but the fight against bogus marriages.
This law clearly aimed blacks, because every black (e) who marries a (e) French (e) is necessarily suspected of contracting a marriage ... When I say black is at large, I mean the poor third world in general.
It goes without saying that a black African son of minister or good family FranCafrican have no desire to see grant French nationality (again it should be understood broadly and black Françafrique broad sense: all neo-colonial countries, ie almost all former colonies).
Well, once again, we demonstrate that the discourse on the birthright, the right soil, the France you love it or leave it, the fight against immigration and so on. is a vast hypocrisy.
votes are gained on average franchouillard and reactionary ...
makes me more than anything else the trouble: if the medium is so reactionary franchouillard also means that its average life is shit and it alleviates the yelling is more miserable than cons.
hypocrisy of political rhetoric, including reactionary ...
Basically, this is doubly poor franchouillard screwed by the elites: in swallowing and speech reactionary facade politicians (whether left or right, given that today racism is more uninhibited because of the extreme right, which also means little or not, while yet the media climate has never been racist in France I know), he turned against the poor buggers with whom he has more in common than anything else (the contempt of the elites, the life of poverty, social insecurity ...) and he loses sight of the real culprits. .. Those who puff ortolans tringlent and top models in showing off on the yacht and luxury hotels.
Instead of despising the poor cloistered in the cities, the basic franchouillard should realize that the conditions living in cities is what awaits him as he continues to be led by the nose by corrupt elites.
The situation in France could take as long as there was a real middle class, but it is increasingly precarious, more and more suburban: I see among my colleagues, with the increasing massive fortune real estate, even the executives have fled the central cities to settle in the suburbs more and more distant ... A good crash should also not delay for any damn flat and put homeowners in trouble ... New avalanche of bullshit ahead for the coast ... Sarkozy's popularity
Asked Sarkozy is racist? What can we respond?
Sarkozy is not racist ... Or if not as one might think ...
Sarkozy is not racist, or he is racist as are the aristocrats and the bourgeois class is racist. Do not forget he has his father's aristocratic origins and bourgeois by his mother ... Bourgeois and aristocrats from all countries are not racist among them: a son of French billionaire marry a girl easier Muslim billionaire, a poor French shepherdess. Origin and religion are secondary in these cases.
Basically if Sarkozy is a racist, his racism certainly extends to the big red-faced redneck who voted for him ... But stops when the bank account allows you to escape the blackness or bougnoulitude ...
Racism is a bullshit invented to divide the poor slobs them, make them fight, hate, fight against each other, in short to waste time and energy and leave the field open to those who decide.

I did not vote in 2007, the scam was too big ... The campaign had focused on anything but Sarkozy, Sego to win by reaction ...
When we see that the government took over the Sarko PS ministers would have probably named Sego, we think we lost anything.
Instead, I prefer a cash Sarko, who is there and that clearly shows the contempt he has for the common people, that people realize that a good shot.
Sego Sarko same Emptiness ... Uselessness and lure of democracy ...
With Sego we would have had a more soft than Sarko, but also more insidious. At least he shows off ... If it can help open your eyes ...
Anyway policy is decided behind our backs, and policies are only belts. Business lobbies run all the evidence, the democratic voice of the NO in the referendum on the EU constitution is violated with the complicity of the right and the left (which has not voted against the adoption of the parliamentary treaty).
So what the policy is a decoy? Marketing? Yes ...
democracy, a scam? Yes ... You feel you count in the decisions that are taken you?
uselessness of political commitment
"But nothing prevents you to get involved in politics blah blah "... Asshole goes, You can certainly try to get involved in a partner or a party, we'll send you paste posters and meetings that are useless if it is the illusion that you participate in local politics for most rabid ... we will send throwing stones, just to play in the revolution and that you can unwind yourself ... Once
you want to get involved seriously in politics that is trying to influence the debate, see accapparer post-decision, if you do not sleep to our market you are gun ... we Dieudonné has proved that a black said what he thought (and think what a lot of blacks, that the memory of suffering Afro is violated, and that the competition of victimhood that those who complain that the substance, although competition is a big word, we should talk about monopoly) was good for the stake ...
It would be 200 years ago, Dieudonné had been captured, he would have stuffed his ass with gunpowder, and it would have exploded in the public square in front of other slaves to teach them to rebel .. . Yes, it seems that such punishment was practiced ...
Today gunpowder was replaced by media defamation and professional ruin, but in principle it changes nothing, a black freedom zouquer, but should not he dares to open his mouth ...
So all genuine political commitment is impossible: either you're completely taken over and neutralized completely in vain actions, or if you are spotted as intransigent you are pushed to the margin, and if you are considered as potential leader, so beware you!
The only way: to understand what is expected of the negro or nigger today and play the game
Must hurry, with competition on the visibility of blacks and Arabs in the media, there are places to take. Apparently there is also a lot of guys ready to fight and sell fathers and mothers to get there, having their mouths on TV or on a list, and wages that are consistent with ...
And the worst is that I imagine you know: the types who started from scratch after several years of policy can make their careers in brackets to sell, or rather sell their address book, as a consultant in private lobbyist understand, with wages as a Minister in the 12 000 euros per month.
Anyway, I am totally disgusted with politics and I am convinced that all political speeches are playing on the flank the mood of the moment, mood spread on the media ...
10 years ago when winning the World Cup, we were all Black Blanc Beur ...
Today blacks and Beurs are all anti-Semitic ...
In 2 cases is that the press gives the ...
Uselessness humanitarian engagement
"Yeah, but poor apple, you have to be active in humanitarian associations so if you want to be helpful and change things." Bis asshole!
First, humanitarian organizations will not change the system of injustice and oppression who fucks the shit not only here but also in Africa and the Third World in general.
This system supports the injustices ... Let me explain by giving a clear conscience in this country neo-colonization, he keeps his eyes closed on the real issues.
occuppe Furthermore it advocates the more ready to engage, detracting from the real fight needs to happen here in the rich countries, not in Africa.
Just look at that third world countries that are doing best, like China and India are also those who refused external interference, including that of humanitarian. Then
often behind the better-known, hide barbouzards that make the interference under the guise of humanitarian espionage, weapons delivery, support for armed factions and militias ... All assos are not like that, but unfortunately we can not say it's wrong, when Kouchner himself has recognized.
And finally, imagine that I know something about the middle of the humanitarian need to say what is, I know lots of people who do that as we take a safari in Africa ...
They start delivering water pumps, or give French lessons, and already have big pictures in their heads ... They believe their work is useless, parcequ'avec corruption and tribalism that exists in Africa, the pump will be in the chief's hut as a trophy, and eventually rusted and useless ...
For the most honest of these motivations were clear: there are plenty of pretty nice and cool chicks who go do humanitarian work, is the opportunity to make friends with a nurse or language teacher ...
And I'm not talking about pedophilia cases that have involved humanitarian of the entourage of the innénarrable Bernard Kouchner ...
Anyway, ultimately, the final word on all this: the vanity ... All this is useless!
Respect to the doctor and the nurse who saves the life of a small child who is likely anyway to get sniper or crushed by a tank after a few years ...
But rather than treat symptoms, it is the cause of the disease must be tackled ...
And that's the whole system of international relations need to rethink and flat, identifying why the system generates so many horrors and injustices, and how to avoid ...
The problem is the system, political activist for the humane and engaging part of the system ... If we want things to change, we must go to war against the system!
Haaa I dream almost the day we will be ruled by machines, without emotion, without passion, without desire for power and domination, not knowing the love of money and all that follows. ..
Until our political systems are based on it is what will prevail ...
I do not believe in representative democracy, as giving a power an elected representative is to allow it to be corruptible.
Politicians come and go, the lobbies remain.
worse, today they are the lobbies that nominate candidates, so the elected ...
The basis of all this shit: the power of money.

Imagine that Dieudonné is rich as Croesus overnight: it buys TF1, finances films on slavery, finance the next presidential candidate, and of course in return gets a new deal in relations FranCafrican, obtains days of commemorations etc..
Problem: wealth fall from the sky. To become rich, become part of the club, he must necessarily pass through phases of capital accumulation that take generations and over time you change ... The great grand son of Dieudonne is a billionaire if he is a good chance it has nothing to fuck in Africa and that he be put entirely complicit with the powers of mafia money. Moreover
want proof: Just look at the Muslim billionaires? What are they doing to the Muslims who call for help? Bugger all: they are studying at Harvard, and spend their money in casinos luxury to spend their Holiday Packages Saint Tropez, and frequent whores who pass earn the same as the average salary of French ... They are fully recovered by the system ... And it will hardly took 2 generations to rot as they leave ...
Those who do not work in these schemes are either killed or are accused of terrorism and is seen stuck on the bottom of the attacks without any evidence (so far nothing serious has to prove that bin Laden is guilty 911, besides, it is likely there to defend himself).
So the problem is actually much money that corrupts all ...
Who controls the money? Which the product? The prints? Puts it in circulation?
In a democracy it is expected that the main power is in the hands of popular representation: it is false, ECB in Europe and America EDF are private banks that are accountable to no state .
other words, they are private bankers, not politicians, who s'occuppent of money ...
So first thing we need to reclaim the money.
Then, we must study all the mechanisms by which the money can ... All religions forbid lending at interest ... Why?
Large old they had smelt the scrambles?
The money goes to live, but from a critical mass it becomes a weapon! Individual wealth, capital accumulation beyond certain limits, rules of inheritance should be redesigned ....
Money in public life and democratic should also be considered ...
The right to information should be free and fair part of human rights, and for that we must establish a set of rules to prevent the media from being accapparrés by money ...
We fought for centuries to free itself of state censorship, censorship to get back on the money!
the same way that merely increasing the possession of money, you should also limit down, and establish a minimum income of humanity ...
Every human being should be able to have the minimum for living, eating, dressing, hot, heal, learn (schools, media).
How many geniuses die every day before reaching the age of 5?
To prevent abuses around money, we should make all accounts public, more secrets ...
Everyone can tell at a click of the mouse that everyone has, money and valuable goods (cars, houses, yachts ...).
could lengthen the list of proposed studies for a while like that ...
Besides, we should first clear all the debts, and rethink the way we live, so that everyone can live with dignity.
It is obvious that if we want that everyone can live decently, we can not continue to pollute like that in Europe, and we can not accept that other countries will follow suit.
Only it is hypocritical to ban China and India to drive a jalopy if we do not change too.
must leave everything flat and redefine all ...
Reorient agriculture for subsistence and for profit or speculation ...
short, is a global new deal is needed by identifying all the power centers, starting with the one and only real center of power, that of money.
This may seem a little naive, I have no solutions, I just found problems ...
If some want to contribute positively, we can start think together ...
Cismigiu disgusted?
Not realistic ... I just need to take to demonstrate that the old schemes of my family went through in Romania: royalist, communist, free market democracy ...
The difference between these 3 systems?
Slim ... Very thin ...
At the time of King, you shut your mouth and you not criticizing the king or you will land in jail. For the rest, public affairs, the economy was the case of the affluent.
Basically, if the types of messing up too much, the economy was relatively well and you lived not too bad ... In a crisis it is you who clutched the belt until it passes ...
To spend royalism to communism was not asked his opinion to the people, simple coup.
course, immediately after the Communist coup, was not talk of a coup, but democratic and popular revolution against the tyrannical regime of before ...
During communism ditto: if you opened your mouth against the party, you were sent to jail and you will be stuck in political trials in the ass. The ruling classes if they managed not too bad economy, people had nothing to say they had to eat on the table, could go on holiday to the sea, watching TV ... When the crisis set in and he had to tighten their belts, it's still the people who morflé ...
To transition from communism to market democracy, there was not yet sought the views of people: the coup.
Well, we still live in this new system there, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is a coup. It is a popular and democratic revolution against the tyrannical regime before.
Again, what really matters to people is the alternation of periods of economic crises and relative calm ...
But in life every day nothing has changed ...
Prisons are the same since the days of King under the communists and today. You do not change a prison system that wins ... The inner secret police, which existed in the time of the king, has continued to improve. Today it is more discreet than in the days of communism when the goal was to scare people to force them to censor themselves and go straight. She returned to its original objectives, spy, and has adopted modern means.
For self-censorship, no need to allow the threat of the secret police: just to let the associations to paste trial ass citizens who back too, and let the power of money do the rest.
Anyway, everyone was converted successively royalism to communism to democracy and market ...
Why I take this example? Because this is more or less all countries experienced as political developments ... Plans call as you like, royalty, empire, the first republic, third republic, second empire, the mullahs' regime, the Shah regime, tsarist, Soviet, Caliphate, People's Republic ...
Diets pass, but people's lives do not change. They do not make decisions for their lives. Everything is packaged outside their reach.
They undergo ... If there is Thune then fine, if the crisis when you suffered, if it's war you are trying to survive ...
It feels may not be relevant in France Because it makes a bunch of years that there was no real crisis, and even real wars (you can not compare the Russian front and the occupation of France virtually without a fight), but in lots of countries around the world, people morflent morflait worse than at the time of the Great Depression ...
Basically all that to say that basically, all plans are alike: it's autocracy that prevails, whether aristocratic, bourgeois, religious or political.
Show me a true democracy?
And do not tell me "at least you vote here." Primo in dictatorships as they vote, then I can vote more finito!
The big difference between here and dictatorships is that at least here we are smarter and are made more credible genre scores of 50/50 to close pouillièmes that make the difference ... Instead of 99.97% (note the 0.3% granted) banana republic ...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Nomarks Cream Is Work Well Or Not
Meddeb vs. Ramadan in Taddéi
Article response that of natives of the Republic (congratulations, continue as you do)!
No wonder that "intellectual" who cachetonne at France Culture is not a mediocre sold?
France Culture radio that only the uneducated continue to listen. Indeed, when you have two fingers of culture, errors, approximations and lies that are carried by the radio listener can not alienate any one rogue on the quality of what he hears. Especially when the subjects pertaining to Islam, Israel, or roughly everything that relates to this smoky clash of civilizations.
Ramadan has indeed been robust as he knows how, acquired through rigorous trials certainly ruthless he is always victim: we saw that the media never let go the slightest approximation to language in Ramadan ... Taddéi glad he was allowed to explain the famous "moratorium" that has cost so much.
However, Ramadan could have been much more severe in his arguments.
There are several facts that have unacceptable level of challenges.
First, the rhetoric about Islam Meddeb Sick, is neither more nor less than the conversion of old cliches Islamophobic and racist colonial period, when designated the Ottoman Caliphate as the "sick man of Europe".
Secondo, the broadcast with the onboard camera hidden in mosques: this story is signed Mohammed Sifaoui.
Sifaoui coming again in recent days to discredit him by raising the false case Mouzin to make the pub and do harm to Alexandre Lebrun, Chinese personality he has tried to impersonate a leaders of the Asian mafia to France in a story anthology so it stinks of manipulation.
Returning to the debate: he had to make this Ramadan with Meddeb debate, if only to force him to be discovered.
Indeed, for many people Meddeb was a wave character which no one knew exactly what he thought. Today we know: no doubt that his credibility will take a hit. Objective persons who were willing to listen to his shows or buy his books know what to expect now.
His public prosecutor and is now limited to fans of Oriana Falacci or Redeker.
Thirdly, Ramadan should have put more emphasis on the incomprehensibility of speech Meddeb. On what Meddeb truffle you it his speech with references to modern European philosophers to ask the question of Islam? References to Aristotle are more logical in that Aristotle came to the EU via the Arab who had integrated the ancient Greek thought ... For the rest, references to Popper and others ... except to please BHL, I saw not too much related to Islam and its civilization ...
What would a Western intellectual if an Arab intellectual was judged Western civilization by citing references in Eastern philosophers and thinkers? No reports, no historical affiliation. He would laugh in his face and he looks like he is irrelevant.
In fact all the fuss pseudo cultural Meddeb (I say pseudo because Ramadan was fined by pointing its gross historical errors and obvious lack of culture) were for the sole purpose of looking good in the Parisian intelligentsia.
Meddeb reminds me of Philippe Val with bigger hair and a mustache, Philippe Val, which conceals the emptiness of his brain with constant references to philosophers that readers of Charlie Hebdo in general have certainly never read .
Good in the background one can not blame Ramadan to have missed two or three clubs to contradict arguments Meddeb because Meddeb said so much shit at a rate so huge as humanly difficult all face, Ramadan was therefore obliged to sort as he could and he did well. Apparently
also must say that Ramadan did not know him either obviously not very well Meddeb.
Indeed this mixture so as references in his broadcasts, and books, it is difficult to understand what he really thinks.
Yesterday, he gave his true face.
Democrat, opposed to torture and tyranny, for a true reform of Islam and secularism including really, it was Ramadan.
Meddeb passed to it for what it is: a guy always on the side the handle. What courage to lick the back of Arab dictators, and taking the side of atlanto-Zionist intelligentsia in France! In doing so he avoids trouble and his career is assured. What is absolutely the opposite of the situation of Ramadan.
the way, a little dedication to Taddéi, which is probably the best host of talk shows today.
Unlike Yves Calvi systematically guiding the discussion as they see fit, so depending on their ideological reading, Taddéi let his guests speak, do not censor, do not interrupt, is withdrawn, and above is the only one to invite of pariahs in all other media, such as Ramadan, Nabe, Boutheldja, Jacques Verges etc.. and put them in front of real ideological opponents of the type of pedants Finkielkraut constantly invited anywhere without ever having opponents, and generally broke into discussion before the above-mentioned. Congratulations to
Taddei, and good luck because it is certainly getting a lot of pressure to try to stifle freedom of expression. Taddéi walking on eggshells every time he invites a controversial figure like Ramadan and I am sure many would like to see disappear issue.

Article response that of natives of the Republic (congratulations, continue as you do)!
No wonder that "intellectual" who cachetonne at France Culture is not a mediocre sold?
France Culture radio that only the uneducated continue to listen. Indeed, when you have two fingers of culture, errors, approximations and lies that are carried by the radio listener can not alienate any one rogue on the quality of what he hears. Especially when the subjects pertaining to Islam, Israel, or roughly everything that relates to this smoky clash of civilizations.
Ramadan has indeed been robust as he knows how, acquired through rigorous trials certainly ruthless he is always victim: we saw that the media never let go the slightest approximation to language in Ramadan ... Taddéi glad he was allowed to explain the famous "moratorium" that has cost so much.
However, Ramadan could have been much more severe in his arguments.
There are several facts that have unacceptable level of challenges.
First, the rhetoric about Islam Meddeb Sick, is neither more nor less than the conversion of old cliches Islamophobic and racist colonial period, when designated the Ottoman Caliphate as the "sick man of Europe".
Secondo, the broadcast with the onboard camera hidden in mosques: this story is signed Mohammed Sifaoui.
Sifaoui coming again in recent days to discredit him by raising the false case Mouzin to make the pub and do harm to Alexandre Lebrun, Chinese personality he has tried to impersonate a leaders of the Asian mafia to France in a story anthology so it stinks of manipulation.
Returning to the debate: he had to make this Ramadan with Meddeb debate, if only to force him to be discovered.
Indeed, for many people Meddeb was a wave character which no one knew exactly what he thought. Today we know: no doubt that his credibility will take a hit. Objective persons who were willing to listen to his shows or buy his books know what to expect now.
His public prosecutor and is now limited to fans of Oriana Falacci or Redeker.
Thirdly, Ramadan should have put more emphasis on the incomprehensibility of speech Meddeb. On what Meddeb truffle you it his speech with references to modern European philosophers to ask the question of Islam? References to Aristotle are more logical in that Aristotle came to the EU via the Arab who had integrated the ancient Greek thought ... For the rest, references to Popper and others ... except to please BHL, I saw not too much related to Islam and its civilization ...
What would a Western intellectual if an Arab intellectual was judged Western civilization by citing references in Eastern philosophers and thinkers? No reports, no historical affiliation. He would laugh in his face and he looks like he is irrelevant.
In fact all the fuss pseudo cultural Meddeb (I say pseudo because Ramadan was fined by pointing its gross historical errors and obvious lack of culture) were for the sole purpose of looking good in the Parisian intelligentsia.
Meddeb reminds me of Philippe Val with bigger hair and a mustache, Philippe Val, which conceals the emptiness of his brain with constant references to philosophers that readers of Charlie Hebdo in general have certainly never read .
Good in the background one can not blame Ramadan to have missed two or three clubs to contradict arguments Meddeb because Meddeb said so much shit at a rate so huge as humanly difficult all face, Ramadan was therefore obliged to sort as he could and he did well. Apparently
also must say that Ramadan did not know him either obviously not very well Meddeb.
Indeed this mixture so as references in his broadcasts, and books, it is difficult to understand what he really thinks.
Yesterday, he gave his true face.
Democrat, opposed to torture and tyranny, for a true reform of Islam and secularism including really, it was Ramadan.
Meddeb passed to it for what it is: a guy always on the side the handle. What courage to lick the back of Arab dictators, and taking the side of atlanto-Zionist intelligentsia in France! In doing so he avoids trouble and his career is assured. What is absolutely the opposite of the situation of Ramadan.
the way, a little dedication to Taddéi, which is probably the best host of talk shows today.
Unlike Yves Calvi systematically guiding the discussion as they see fit, so depending on their ideological reading, Taddéi let his guests speak, do not censor, do not interrupt, is withdrawn, and above is the only one to invite of pariahs in all other media, such as Ramadan, Nabe, Boutheldja, Jacques Verges etc.. and put them in front of real ideological opponents of the type of pedants Finkielkraut constantly invited anywhere without ever having opponents, and generally broke into discussion before the above-mentioned. Congratulations to
Taddei, and good luck because it is certainly getting a lot of pressure to try to stifle freedom of expression. Taddéi walking on eggshells every time he invites a controversial figure like Ramadan and I am sure many would like to see disappear issue.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Symbols Of Volleyball
Sifaoui risk a lawsuit for false accusation in the revival of the case Mouzin
A AFP dispatch has just confirmed: there was never any human remains in the basement of the Royal Wok restaurant.
The only bones found are of animal origin.
The prosecution reserves the right to sue for false accusations ... So it would probably Sifaoui concern in this story, after he tried once again to trap Alexandre Lebrun: one, true to his role as storyteller, had allowed himself to "confidences "untruthful about a dead girl buried under the restaurant.
Sifaoui would have hidden camera filmed, due having completed its report and be sure it is broadcast on TF1 (probably to touch his big check), before alerting the police.
Result: a month of bugging, police mobilized more, searches that do nothing, false hopes revived in vain for the family, all media that get involved (is it Sifaoui who leaked to damage Lebrun or the Asian community?).
If prosecutors do not pursue, I hope it will continue Lebrun.
Anyway though Momo dons behind the mask of virtue: "I did not know what to do, so I alerted the police," this case continues to discredit him. And
will contribute to further increase the anger and resentment against his lack of scruples, ethics, and his taste for trickery. This time it's not the Arabs or Asians that it takes but a little French girl whose disappearance has moved the whole country.
We do not play with these feelings there! I think for Sifaoui a lie too.
A AFP dispatch has just confirmed: there was never any human remains in the basement of the Royal Wok restaurant.
The only bones found are of animal origin.
The prosecution reserves the right to sue for false accusations ... So it would probably Sifaoui concern in this story, after he tried once again to trap Alexandre Lebrun: one, true to his role as storyteller, had allowed himself to "confidences "untruthful about a dead girl buried under the restaurant.
Sifaoui would have hidden camera filmed, due having completed its report and be sure it is broadcast on TF1 (probably to touch his big check), before alerting the police.
Result: a month of bugging, police mobilized more, searches that do nothing, false hopes revived in vain for the family, all media that get involved (is it Sifaoui who leaked to damage Lebrun or the Asian community?).
If prosecutors do not pursue, I hope it will continue Lebrun.
Anyway though Momo dons behind the mask of virtue: "I did not know what to do, so I alerted the police," this case continues to discredit him. And
will contribute to further increase the anger and resentment against his lack of scruples, ethics, and his taste for trickery. This time it's not the Arabs or Asians that it takes but a little French girl whose disappearance has moved the whole country.
We do not play with these feelings there! I think for Sifaoui a lie too.
Mount And Blade Defeat Race
Estelle Mouzin, Mohamed Sifaoui and Alexandre Lebrun
Incredible new one learns at the moment: the person behind the new track on the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin none other than ... Mohammed Sifaoui ...
And from what can be deduced by reading this passage from an article in JDD:
can certainly conclude that the man in custody is Alexandre Lebrun, who has a restaurant Lognes among others.
Now on this blog and on the ogres and, let alone dailymotion own blog and Alexandre Lebrun, the questionable methods used by Sifaoui to achieve its "stories", including one on the Asian environment have been widely denounced and dismantled.
This was followed by a media controversy, which may have accelerated the sidelining of Charles Villeneuve of TF1, and have created problems for Sifaoui.
A show at Paul Amar had been scheduled to defend and discredit Sifaoui Lebrun (antenna but not represented by counsel) and a trial should have taken place against Sifaoui who train 52 Asian organizations on their backs, and several Chinese TV channels ...
short, the least we can say is that Alexandre Lebrun was not easily done and was trying to cause harm to Sifaoui.
Alexandre Lebrun seems to have lots of faults, but we have seen in dissecting the story of Sifaoui, that the allegations the latter were totally unproven and totally free. Lebrun can accuse of being a grugeur SCIF, the URSSAF and other, but from there to make a mafia ... Lebrun is certainly a little mythology and likes to tell it, but it's nothing compared to the mythomania and egocentrism Sifaoui.
I also doubt that a child killer, make as much effort as Lebrun to her star on TV ...
The survey will tell us why and how, but frankly, this story stinks horribly ...
This is very similar to being framed by Sifaoui revenge for Alexander. This
Nor is difficult for a guy like Alexander must have a thousand enemies ready to hurt him ... Sifaoui by party.
From there, convergence of reckoning ...
Sifaoui What had perhaps not anticipated was the magnitude that would take the information in the media before the court to pronounce ... Unless it is deliberately spread the rumor among his colleagues, unaware that his name would be revealed ...
Anyway, if this case proves to be a damp squib, I know a journalist whose credibility is already well under way, and that can take a one-way Algiers ... Because it will definitely be blown professionally in France.
cons If it turns out that it is the corpse of a child .... Justice should be extremely vigilant on this matter, and explore all avenues, including that of stunt to hurt Lebrun. Lebrun indeed presents a profile of ideal culprit after the smear campaign orchestrated against him by Lebrun ... If
Sifaoui attempted to exploit the memory of Estelle Mouzin Lebrun to harm, it would be extremely serious ...
It would be a terrible insult to the memory of this small, and the pain of parents ...
EDIT: we learn from the new obstacles that it Lebrun himself would have bragged in front of hidden camera Sifaoui this case: he is blackmailing the boss of Royal Wok to remain silent ...
We'll see what gives the investigation afterwards ... But in an interview on 20 minutes Sifaoui refuses to give source of information when it is simply Lebrun and he has filmed. Why does he pretend to protect a source?
EDIT2: this case is moving very fast! Here is an excerpt from an AFP dispatch:
This confirms well what I thought. Question of who speaks when the person uses the term storyteller caught in his own trap? Lebrun? Sure, but a bullshit told at the counter of this kind has not taken such gigantic proportions ... The term therefore applies storyteller both Sifaoui, and even more in his case because he took the responsibility to alert the police, six months after this story (at the time of the release of its report).
Question: Why so late? Maybe because he knew that this track was not credible and that Lebrun was a braggart who told anything, and therefore he preferred quietly continue his story, rather than take the risk of alerting the police and get wrong with his actor? This confirms the thesis that Sifaoui who plays the innocent knew very well the trickery which he was trying to deliver ...
Question 2: Why denounce the end? Is this a reckoning cons Lebrun following the controversy after the publication of the subject?
Question 3: what will stop Sifaoui, a journalist clearly dishonest and twisted mentality? When will the TV stations will stop working with him? After all, it's good now, NS is elected, the trouble to add ladles on racist on TV. On the contrary, if NS wants to avoid the machine eludes him the benefit of the extreme right, he'd better put the soft pedal ...
Incredible new one learns at the moment: the person behind the new track on the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin none other than ... Mohammed Sifaoui ...
And from what can be deduced by reading this passage from an article in JDD:
In Indeed, this termination is reached through a television journalist. The latter had been in contact with a person involved in the work and wanted to "avenge" the owner of the restaurant. A character "unfavorably known" to police, including fraud. The owner of the establishment, as its employees and workers who participated in the work, should be arrested at Brie-Comte-Robert, but also Lognes in a restaurant. By mid-afternoon, nine people had been placed in custody.
can certainly conclude that the man in custody is Alexandre Lebrun, who has a restaurant Lognes among others.
Now on this blog and on the ogres and, let alone dailymotion own blog and Alexandre Lebrun, the questionable methods used by Sifaoui to achieve its "stories", including one on the Asian environment have been widely denounced and dismantled.
This was followed by a media controversy, which may have accelerated the sidelining of Charles Villeneuve of TF1, and have created problems for Sifaoui.
A show at Paul Amar had been scheduled to defend and discredit Sifaoui Lebrun (antenna but not represented by counsel) and a trial should have taken place against Sifaoui who train 52 Asian organizations on their backs, and several Chinese TV channels ...
short, the least we can say is that Alexandre Lebrun was not easily done and was trying to cause harm to Sifaoui.
Alexandre Lebrun seems to have lots of faults, but we have seen in dissecting the story of Sifaoui, that the allegations the latter were totally unproven and totally free. Lebrun can accuse of being a grugeur SCIF, the URSSAF and other, but from there to make a mafia ... Lebrun is certainly a little mythology and likes to tell it, but it's nothing compared to the mythomania and egocentrism Sifaoui.
I also doubt that a child killer, make as much effort as Lebrun to her star on TV ...
The survey will tell us why and how, but frankly, this story stinks horribly ...
This is very similar to being framed by Sifaoui revenge for Alexander. This
Nor is difficult for a guy like Alexander must have a thousand enemies ready to hurt him ... Sifaoui by party.
From there, convergence of reckoning ...
Sifaoui What had perhaps not anticipated was the magnitude that would take the information in the media before the court to pronounce ... Unless it is deliberately spread the rumor among his colleagues, unaware that his name would be revealed ...
Anyway, if this case proves to be a damp squib, I know a journalist whose credibility is already well under way, and that can take a one-way Algiers ... Because it will definitely be blown professionally in France.
cons If it turns out that it is the corpse of a child .... Justice should be extremely vigilant on this matter, and explore all avenues, including that of stunt to hurt Lebrun. Lebrun indeed presents a profile of ideal culprit after the smear campaign orchestrated against him by Lebrun ... If
Sifaoui attempted to exploit the memory of Estelle Mouzin Lebrun to harm, it would be extremely serious ...
It would be a terrible insult to the memory of this small, and the pain of parents ...
EDIT: we learn from the new obstacles that it Lebrun himself would have bragged in front of hidden camera Sifaoui this case: he is blackmailing the boss of Royal Wok to remain silent ...
We'll see what gives the investigation afterwards ... But in an interview on 20 minutes Sifaoui refuses to give source of information when it is simply Lebrun and he has filmed. Why does he pretend to protect a source?
EDIT2: this case is moving very fast! Here is an excerpt from an AFP dispatch:
"The remains of bones that were found are those of animals: the information that we have had are probably wrong track, "said the police source, adding that searches were continuing for final checks.
" The people who gave this information were taken at their own game: they are fantasists, "the source said. "There are those who have seen the bones that have told others who have distorted reality," he said this source. Of the ten people arrested, including contractors, employees and the restaurant manager, six were released Friday morning, "because there is nothing to reproach them," the source said.
This confirms well what I thought. Question of who speaks when the person uses the term storyteller caught in his own trap? Lebrun? Sure, but a bullshit told at the counter of this kind has not taken such gigantic proportions ... The term therefore applies storyteller both Sifaoui, and even more in his case because he took the responsibility to alert the police, six months after this story (at the time of the release of its report).
Question: Why so late? Maybe because he knew that this track was not credible and that Lebrun was a braggart who told anything, and therefore he preferred quietly continue his story, rather than take the risk of alerting the police and get wrong with his actor? This confirms the thesis that Sifaoui who plays the innocent knew very well the trickery which he was trying to deliver ...
Question 2: Why denounce the end? Is this a reckoning cons Lebrun following the controversy after the publication of the subject?
Question 3: what will stop Sifaoui, a journalist clearly dishonest and twisted mentality? When will the TV stations will stop working with him? After all, it's good now, NS is elected, the trouble to add ladles on racist on TV. On the contrary, if NS wants to avoid the machine eludes him the benefit of the extreme right, he'd better put the soft pedal ...
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