Article response that of natives of the Republic (congratulations, continue as you do)!
No wonder that "intellectual" who cachetonne at France Culture is not a mediocre sold?
France Culture radio that only the uneducated continue to listen. Indeed, when you have two fingers of culture, errors, approximations and lies that are carried by the radio listener can not alienate any one rogue on the quality of what he hears. Especially when the subjects pertaining to Islam, Israel, or roughly everything that relates to this smoky clash of civilizations.
Ramadan has indeed been robust as he knows how, acquired through rigorous trials certainly ruthless he is always victim: we saw that the media never let go the slightest approximation to language in Ramadan ... Taddéi glad he was allowed to explain the famous "moratorium" that has cost so much.
However, Ramadan could have been much more severe in his arguments.
There are several facts that have unacceptable level of challenges.
First, the rhetoric about Islam Meddeb Sick, is neither more nor less than the conversion of old cliches Islamophobic and racist colonial period, when designated the Ottoman Caliphate as the "sick man of Europe".
Secondo, the broadcast with the onboard camera hidden in mosques: this story is signed Mohammed Sifaoui.
Sifaoui coming again in recent days to discredit him by raising the false case Mouzin to make the pub and do harm to Alexandre Lebrun, Chinese personality he has tried to impersonate a leaders of the Asian mafia to France in a story anthology so it stinks of manipulation.
Returning to the debate: he had to make this Ramadan with Meddeb debate, if only to force him to be discovered.
Indeed, for many people Meddeb was a wave character which no one knew exactly what he thought. Today we know: no doubt that his credibility will take a hit. Objective persons who were willing to listen to his shows or buy his books know what to expect now.
His public prosecutor and is now limited to fans of Oriana Falacci or Redeker.
Thirdly, Ramadan should have put more emphasis on the incomprehensibility of speech Meddeb. On what Meddeb truffle you it his speech with references to modern European philosophers to ask the question of Islam? References to Aristotle are more logical in that Aristotle came to the EU via the Arab who had integrated the ancient Greek thought ... For the rest, references to Popper and others ... except to please BHL, I saw not too much related to Islam and its civilization ...
What would a Western intellectual if an Arab intellectual was judged Western civilization by citing references in Eastern philosophers and thinkers? No reports, no historical affiliation. He would laugh in his face and he looks like he is irrelevant.
In fact all the fuss pseudo cultural Meddeb (I say pseudo because Ramadan was fined by pointing its gross historical errors and obvious lack of culture) were for the sole purpose of looking good in the Parisian intelligentsia.
Meddeb reminds me of Philippe Val with bigger hair and a mustache, Philippe Val, which conceals the emptiness of his brain with constant references to philosophers that readers of Charlie Hebdo in general have certainly never read .
Good in the background one can not blame Ramadan to have missed two or three clubs to contradict arguments Meddeb because Meddeb said so much shit at a rate so huge as humanly difficult all face, Ramadan was therefore obliged to sort as he could and he did well. Apparently
also must say that Ramadan did not know him either obviously not very well Meddeb.
Indeed this mixture so as references in his broadcasts, and books, it is difficult to understand what he really thinks.
Yesterday, he gave his true face.
Democrat, opposed to torture and tyranny, for a true reform of Islam and secularism including really, it was Ramadan.
Meddeb passed to it for what it is: a guy always on the side the handle. What courage to lick the back of Arab dictators, and taking the side of atlanto-Zionist intelligentsia in France! In doing so he avoids trouble and his career is assured. What is absolutely the opposite of the situation of Ramadan.
the way, a little dedication to Taddéi, which is probably the best host of talk shows today.
Unlike Yves Calvi systematically guiding the discussion as they see fit, so depending on their ideological reading, Taddéi let his guests speak, do not censor, do not interrupt, is withdrawn, and above is the only one to invite of pariahs in all other media, such as Ramadan, Nabe, Boutheldja, Jacques Verges etc.. and put them in front of real ideological opponents of the type of pedants Finkielkraut constantly invited anywhere without ever having opponents, and generally broke into discussion before the above-mentioned. Congratulations to
Taddei, and good luck because it is certainly getting a lot of pressure to try to stifle freedom of expression. Taddéi walking on eggshells every time he invites a controversial figure like Ramadan and I am sure many would like to see disappear issue.
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