censored KS to further investigation: Reflections on the global oligarchy because of the miseries of the world
I diffuse this interview with Kemi Seba and friends of his that I find interesting in more ways than one.
I must first say that I'm not black, let alone not Kemite. By
cons for years I started thinking about the injustice of the world, the dominant-dominated relationship, being interested in the shady politics and history, but also to human nature and animal and the religion of universal domination is money.
Although I am extremely critical vis-à-vis the media, I am like everyone else, however, vulnerable to brainwashing. So I had to some extent been influenced by this image of Nazi black as the media wants to stick to the skin of KS. I do not know if it is based, I do not think, so the media call Nazi easily while those opposed to the doctrinaire double standard. But I must say that without knowing the words nor the ideas of KS, I tended to distrust. And we must say that I understand nothing Kemite Folklore, etc. hotep. Which makes me think the resurgence of paganism, Druidism etc. identity among whites (knowing that all these modes of neo-paganism, Wicca, Druidism etc. are often controlled by sects such as Scientology, Freemasonry etc..). So the sectarian aspect tended to push me away ... And he had a reputation for anti-Semitic sacred! But after all, what a freethinker is not messin not anathema supreme?
Anyway people are judged first on their statements, then their actions ...
And I must say that I recognize myself in what is said in the video by the various stakeholders, with some nuances. I will return. When acts of KS, the future will tell us what it is. But the main
in these ideas is that KS does not fall into the trap of racial opposition. It has been too often portrayed as a racist anti-white.
This is not "whites" he accused, but the oligarchs!
And I can only agree with him!
Who are the oligarchs? Those who over time have become so rich that they no longer even try to raise capital, they create, by usurping the sovereign powers previously (monopoly of kings) of minting coins.
Today it is a small group of private banks, discrete but very powerful because the basic global monetary system, who have usurped this power, violating the democracies because a democracy that did not control his economy has no political power, and is only a puppet in the hands of bankers.
capitalization of these banks seem paltry compared to the amount of capital in circulation, or relative to the capitalization of other banks, but it is an illusion: almost all capital outstanding is that the virtual currency that does not exist. Crisis and the amount of capital may find themselves squeezed, and all other banks in ruins, while revealing the disproportionate power of those handles bank behind the central banks.
The only thing that there are debts. Including the debts of States.
But when it comes to debts of the States everybody tends to think that if there are states in debt, then there are the creditor States, foremost among them the U.S. center of the global economy ...
False: The U.S. State is the most indebted in the world.
Beneficiaries: small clique of private banks at the base of globalization.
They impose their policies to the world through the IMF, World Bank, WTO, EU, NATO, UN etc.. which are all instruments increasingly discredited because they mislead about their true nature.
They decide wars and genocides against the peoples (Iraq I, embargo, Iraq II: 2 million dead low range ... Not to mention the rest of the world ...).
Believe it or not, but they have intervened in the wars world, the Bolshevik Revolution (they are above the divisions capitalist / communist and use of all ideologies to increase their power, including the recent patterns of ecology, humanitarian etc..), they were very active under Napoleon, but also during the French Revolution (bourgeois revolution), the English Revolution (ditto), the fall of the Czar by the Bolsheviks, the fall of the caliph by the Young Turks (most Freemasons) etc..
Conspiracy? The term is legitimate only when those in power (usually valet oligarchs) accuses his opponents necessarily terrorists. The
KS oligarchs mentioned above are ideologies, religions above (even if officially they conveniently appear as supporters of this ideology, or followers of any religion). They are above even money (the best instrument of social control).
But very often to silence any criticism against them they hide behind "Jews and Money", using as a screen of some of their accomplices "who call themselves Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan "to quote the Bible (Apocalypse of St. John). At this rate fall into the trap of gross anti-Semitic hatred is back in their game, and it would make them too happy.
Are they omnipotent?
Their power is an illusion that only works as long as we continue to foolishly walk in the combined, ie continue to obey the control system by which money is a widespread control by debt.
Oh sure, they can use states as puppets and use armies of so-called sovereign countries for their wars.
Today it is clear that the U.S. Army is led astray by a clique of private interests mélant Israeli lobby, lobby oil and military-industrial lobby ...
But it was the same when the British Royal Navy was used by Sassoon to go to the Opium War in China.
was the same when merchants and industrial lobbies (conversion of old money négrières) pushed the French government to send the army in North Africa and Black Africa to seize the resources of the mother continent. Same in Indochina. So yes
States U.S., British, French and more generally to colonial and imperialist were complicit in these oligarchs.
But since when are they people? Who can believe that Bush represents the American people who are against the war in Iraq, and who were against the U.S. entered the war in both World Wars. If tomorrow Sarkouchner send our soldiers to Iran, will represent the French people-you it?
The real danger that fear the oligarchs is a real wave of revolutions (or armed through the ballot box), which gives sovereignty to the people.
They have eradicated the old order, abolishing all the royal power, and abolish the old religious powers (marginalization of the Church, eradication of the Caliphate).
They implanted the power of banks to place in the West, and one-party dictatorship in the East (which from the beginning have cynically deal together). Now the banks' power extends everywhere ... Globalization is presented as inevitable ...
How to fight? It's simple: Chavez in every country! Chavez is a Venezuelan "native" who loves his country and his people and who believes in God (even if it does not crawl before the Pope).
If Chavez were everywhere, we could all work out in bypassing the banks.
It cancels the debts of everyone! The banks are ruined! We care about the oligarchs in prison: they all go to a true IPT. Although
sure it will not happen at least not all at once ... Then he must pray that these sovereign peoples who fight for their dignity, ultimately prevail over the oligarchs.
is why we are naturally attracted to small countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq or Iran ...
Over there the face of the oligarchs has shown so hideous that people are fighting for their dignity and sovereignty, each time with the alliance that fear as the oligarchs: the religious sense (including the idea of sacrifice ), and the love of their land and independence, whether Christian or Muslims, South American or Eastern.
In Europe no risk, a sense of the sacred has disappeared, let alone the meaning of sacrifice, when the love of his country, it is automatically suspect of collusion with the extreme right. Only when we called Gallo, Sarkozy, or Finkielkraut it is possible to adopt a speech patriot without the permission of the CRIF, we take the risk of being a Nazi if you do it.
unilateral cancellation of debt, international laws to counteract the power of money which may total sovereignty of peoples ...
is why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so attracted our attention as we are all, we feel that this war is played down the symbolic power of globalization that crushes peoples, cultivations, dignities ...
the outcome of this battle depends the hope of the world. Until the Palestinians are resisting, there is hope for all ...
But back to the video. Why
France 2 wanted to interview KS?
For self-poisoned by their own propaganda, they took him to an idiot who would hate to give them what they wanted to show in their reporting racist blacks dangerous, advocating hate speech, which illustrate the danger blacks for the Republic.
Questions posed by the biased journalist, and the tone in which she poses leave no doubt.
No luck, they did not expect a course on human rights, double standards, and the oligarchy that rules the mafia world, especially the third world.
I was not expecting it either!
Obviously they did not broadcast a story that
1) say inconvenient truths
2) could give a positive view of KS, which desperately needs to pass for a monster
Now I bring nuance to the discourse on French identity ...
From the moment the French government has fallen into the trap of domination over other nations, its identity has changed. She likes it or not!
Already, the France national entity is a modern construction. Even today, many Bretons, Basques, Corsicans, etc. of Savoy. feel Breton, Basque, Corsican, Savoy, and only after French ... A few generations ago, they felt only Breton, Corsican, Basque, etc.. and not really French!
So already we hear much about what I mean French. What relationship between Basque and an Alsatian?
If these identities have been integrated into the French melting pot, so why not the others, the ex-colonized, with no more chooses to be attached to France than the regional (except that the colonized were subjects, and regional citizens ...). A
magrhébin the third generation, married to a French-born European who do not speak the language, there has never set foot, and does not go live, we can say that it is French, at least as much English as the third generation, that we do not claim to account for the second generation because he is white and Christian.
The main problem with North Africans, Afro-Caribbean or Asian and that on their skin or in their names, they wear their extra-European origins, and it is not easy to change the perception of others. Now
speech KS does not bother me: it does not feel French, and he feels attached to a home country (Benin I think), it is perfectly right.
you one Demands to French living in the USA, England or anywhere else they deny France?
Willing to submit to you they are not such a choice?
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