negrophobia Manipulation of France 2 and Supplemental Survey: Dusquesne accomplice.
By reading this article A2N , I learn that France2 announced a subject on black community factions "antisemitic" ...
This confirms what I suspected in my previous article on the subject KS was actually a trap to derail and mount a show of sending the black community thesis dangerous to the republic, anti-Semitic, anti-white etc.. ..
I suspected for several reasons: I know by heart what kind of journalists, who had to deal with them in my youth. And I've seen too many stories absolutely not credible on so called "bullies" of the city, which made false show of violence. The stories are legion cans, but bigger is more things going on ...
The objectivity of the employees of "journalism"
I remember being younger, when there was unrest in the neighborhoods, we saw land this kind of "journalists", generally working for programs such as "Special Envoy" ("Zionist envoy" would be more accurate), or "Forbidden Zone" ("Zone NonSionistes prohibited "would be more accurate).
Such journalists were first to take the temperature by" disguising "sometimes sir-all-the-world, so as not to attract attention: they parked their van a little apart, came the ATV Safety, fucked a tracksuit top and came to the cities as they passed by there by chance ... In other words, they deceived no one and were easily detected, but it did not stop them ... They had to continue a subject to do!
Once the temperature taken, and when they had pictures, they came with their equipment, handheld camera and everything.
They then began a tour of the city to discuss with the "natives".
initially not aware of the perfidy of these characters, there were still "big brothers", or "big sisters" (as the jargon of journalists, anyone who looks smarter and more mature than the average is necessarily a big brother, even if only son) who would speak clearly and fantasies of real concerns and problems of cities adopting an intelligent discourse, courteous, well-argued, clear and French-language chat ...
other words, nothing that corresponds to the cliches that journalists were picking up!
Because yes, the fundamental misunderstanding was:
big brothers or big sisters who would speak dispassionately and intelligently before the cameras, imagined that the journalists had come to do a real investigative work .
A real investigative work requires them to come to work without a-priori, seeking to understand the situation, and making a report balanced and objective based on actual observations of the situation.
But employees who tele we were not there to see it ...
They were there to take pictures shock, because the topic of the show was already selected, and the thesis would be promoted: people of the cities are dangerous thugs, lawless. The cities are lawless areas inhabited by wild ...
From there, it does not interest them to talk to smart people and good faith.
They had violence, sensationalism.
You should have seen as turning the clock: they seemed more concerned that they did not get the images they were looking for.
Their wage depended on: they had pictures of violence and savagery ...
How it ended?
Generally, they were moving away from the city, returning to their truck, while some of their accomplices would arrange with the kids most wineries and most cons of the city.
The deal was very simple! It's always easy to find a bunch of little gogolitos who want to play hard and get on TV! If necessary a small 50-franc note could help ...
Thus the most gutless suddenly found themselves promoted "gang leaders" of the city.
And the guys were going to give journalists for their money (some biftons 50 francs).
These guys were young virgins who had intended to remain so for quite some time saw their IQ, suddenly found themselves turning rapists! Glory!
Absolutely not credible to those of the city acknowledged that despite the blurred face!
Journalists often arrive with a script, and asked the youths to repeat several times their natural role in staying! Here we were bottomed in the manipulation! The will was blatantly fake! What Ethics!
But it was scary to France looking M6, TF1 and France 2.
These guys who were cut as shrimp and nobody feared were described as dangerous gangsters ...
After some kind of scam (he must believe that journalists were passing the word on the cities where you could easily find good pictures for cheap), the situation was clear: the journalists were persona non grata in the city ...
And everything I can advise people of all cities is to host with flour and eggs from journalists looking for sensational images!
racist campaigns on TV: Arab aggressors and black rapists thieves, innocent Jewish victims of hate islamobamboula free republic threatened
Benoit Dusquenes is perfectly complicit in the racist campaigns that are commonplace in the media. On the one hand everything is done to certify the fact that blacks and Arabs are Semitic French, the other Jews are threatened, victims!
crying in this story is probably so fake that Elie Chouraqui on antisemitism Youth Montreuil!
Jewish Community of France
sent freshizzle
I could not watch the report to the end so it reeks of manipulation and incitement to racism!
Watch it with a critical eye and you will see: not a single insult or assault filmed. While it claims that it happens every day ... How the journalist made to swallow the pill? He claims that he was forbidden to film out of school (when where daily attacks would occur) for safety issues. The journalist does so no critical inquiry and relies exclusively on the version presented to him!
Anthology citation:
"without widespread anti-Semitism is the fact 98% of immigrants"
"young Jews were attacked by blacks and Arabs" or
this young Betar is presented as a big brother who watches over kids and who swears he does not have weapons (though, nunchaku, batons and bottles of acid are common, if not a military arsenal at home Raphael Shoeman "collector" of AK47 and bazookas).
Good confess, I could not go through with the show!
Besides poor Jews necessarily victims, look a bit the look of "terrorists" that we sell M6
Islamist terrorist Forbidden Zone
sent by Trendio
These guys are ridiculous, but they wear a beard and a jellaba and they are afraid, it is sufficient to Forbidden Zone. We're in the big manip huge here!
Examples so I can get out dozens whatsoever on "Special Envoy", "The Right to Know", "further investigation", "Forbidden Zone" and so on. By
cons never a word about the Jewish Mafia and Operation Plant Banks who misappropriated billion francs (probably not far from the billion euros) to Israel.
There are times when it is modest on the ethnic and religious backgrounds on TV!
Another video for the road: on turning!
Not a victim of being interviewed, no, but a girl who's afraid (probably too you it looks on TV). Yet it is boys who should be afraid when she verbally insulted by a guy, she comes down with a butcher knife!
She is afraid because she is easy prey: she is French (the others are not, of course!). She would have liked to be Arab would have been a big brother and respect!
And the two idiots in the car! Ha they certainly did not have their certificate of studies both here!
Rape Rotating Suburbs
sent Trendio
Strings journalists are always the same!
Fear of power: union of citizens 'basic', Jews, blacks, whites, Arabs against the plutocracy and a true Republic. Strategy: divide and conquer, with the help of the media and racism
So that just by listening to leading questions and the tone used by the journalist who asked France2 KS for further investigation, I quickly concluded that she was there to film a skid.
It is clear that the stresses gradually as time passes, bringing on KS questions of identity, race, what he thinks of France etc..
She expected him to spit on the Jews, or failing that at least he spit on France.
He must at all costs to the idea of black anti-Semite, or failing that of black anti-white racist.
Unfortunately, the response of KS on French identity would have agreed with him the more chauvinistic of French self-proclaimed "native"!
Danger! What would happen if the French "native" began to appreciate and respect these "dark factions" that desperate to present it as their worst enemies?
It would not be that the populations that we handle and pushes hate to realize that they can discuss and understand each other!
No, he is pushing everyone into a corner of the paranoid!
Thus the media, a hand for years denounced the anti-Arab racism and anti-black "ethnic French" basically xenophobic, collaborators, racist, antisemitic and incidentally all the fantasies that béhaliens you will, while on the other hand, the same media also denounced for years the danger of communalism "black", the "ethnic gangs" black or Arab, basically Francophobe, blancophobes, sociophobes, incidentally antisemitic fantasies finkielkrautiens and all we want.
It will be understood, the only racism "disturbing" and common to both "ethnic French collaborators" rather than "anti-Zionist islamobamboulas-Semitic" is the only supposed anti-Semitism.
For Anti-Semitism (and often assumed surfantasmé, baked and annealed) is above all! Anyway this is what they would have us believe in a post I point you in prépartion inconsistencies of these intellectuals who supposedly are hunting Semitic, though they do not hesitate to defend ex-Nazi (and therefore real antisemites with Jewish blood on their hands) when it suits them, while they deal with some Nazis of those who fought them against Nazism during the Second World War. For in reality the supposed fight against anti-Semitism is a tool used to justify the most cynical political agenda!
But what about the instrumentalization of anti-Semitism, racism, chauvinism etc.. deserves a full ticket (may be tomorrow, stay tuned).
Anyway if time Mitterand media seemed more concerned with fighting against the fascist threat of FN (Jospin admits in the video later that this was the can and guilt and manipulation to occuppe the field) and defend "lénoirélezarabes" threatened by the racism of rednecks, now under Sarkozy is the reverse occurs: the media rise in anti-white racism supposed mayonnaise and a supposed anti-Semitism in the suburbs which will prove equally untrue that the fascist threat of the 80s.
The purpose of all this? Divide and conquer. While they were mounting a class of people against another, it prevents the emergence on the political scene in front of the real issues of substance.
Yesterday SOS Racisme was trying to manipulate young people (tickets will be allocated), now we can no longer handle, they openly struggle against them, evidence that the official anti-racism has always been that fraud (since they are the same people who yesterday caressed, and now clap).

Bibendum Dray: racism is my job! Hin Hin! Thank you all lunch!
I will more fully on these issues but know that both the fight against anti-Semitism, the fight against racism, or sarkozyenne defense of national identity, are only scams to deceive the maximum citizens, putting them in conflict with each other in struggles sterile leaving hands free to those who act. Jews, blacks, Arabs, whites will in turn set the agenda for the opposition next time.
Thus it will appear the following conjunctions:
- Jewish, Arab and black against white racist and anti-Semitic villains (SOS Racisme)
- whites against blacks and Jews and Arab anti-white racist and antisemitic (current position of the media)
- Jews and black cons Arab and white slavers (revisionist position on slavery like "We're all black Jews" supported by TMF or OPG inducted by Elkabbach)
- Jews, Arabs, whites against blacks bloody dangerous (Petion "David, Sebastian, Kader "against anti-white racism in the course represented by Mamadou)
One can imagine other configurations depending on the political agenda of the moment.
Anyway we see that Jews are used loosely. Unscrupulous manipulation! Unfortunately, few Jews are realizing ...

Carabosse: political prostitution and submission to the king money!
Anyway, KS has avoided the trap shoes and proves one thing: a coherent and well argued, not hate and reconciling whites, blacks and Arabs (all victims of the same manipulators because after all we forget there were white slaves in France at the same time there were black slaves and indigenous: the serfs and workers, miners and other proletarians treated like the last shit ...) has no chance of pass through the media.
Indeed, the media are there to control the social sphere and divide.
What would have happened if the days of colonialism massively dominated the blacks, Arabs, Vietnamese, Malagasy and whites had been able to transcend the artificial divisions to fight against the powers of money who enslaved them?
At the time it was more difficult barriers of language and communication facilities.
Now that the news travels at the speed of the internet, and that English is heavily spoken, such a conjunction between peoples is possible.
Without going too far, such a combination is feasible in France, even among populations that grow to hate each other.
It is time to stop foolishly fall into the trap of division.
Racism is good for weak minds! There will always were Christian Islamophobes, Negrophobes, Francophobe, Judeophobia, etc. Arabophobia. We can not do anything about it! Until these morons are still at the margin the better! The only racism that is used, it is the oligarchs which by all means seek to divide the human cattle for better control. Let us not behave like cattle!
And what I say at the level of false racial divisions is also true for false political divisions!
Those who manipulate us by all means, we proved today that the UMP and the PS have been complicit and have never formed a single political oligarchy which shares power forever. This is perfectly clear in the little game that engages and Sarkozy has the merit of dropping the mask!
Therefore Dieudonné is also fiercely opposed by the media!
It is popular and likely to open the eyes of many people, especially young!
It transcends racial divisions and political dares challenge the instrumentalization of the Holocaust
It represents the true left and proved it by shaking hands with Le Pen, that despite the divisions color, race, politics, all we could talk and talk so as a citizen, even when we disagree, and without going into insults and ideological struggles that merely pointing to each other and and maintain the division among the French! He proved that a black could shake the hand of a so-called fascist without fluff, and vice versa!
short, by his speeches and actions, it undermines the whole ideological edifice that subtle ways of 1000, French citizens are divided and thus can not effectively fight for their rights!
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