Saturday, December 22, 2007
Can Chickenpox Delay Menstruation
Here is a interesting video to watch.
Click here to see the video.
Interesting to more than one way.
Interesting for what it reveals, especially for what it refrains from revealing: the unspoken is often the most interesting part of such a film.
The film raises troubling connections between various assumptions and business far removed in time and seemingly unrelated.
Apparently only because Curiously there are always the same people behind.
The film fails to acknowledge formally, it gives names and cites facts factual.
The film simulates a person struggling with misinformation and engaged in a dialogue with schizophrenic himself.
The most paranoid and pessimistic of his mind led him to connect in a conspiracy, all these facts seem to be mere coincidence for the most optimistic of his mind, one that refuses to question his comfortable beliefs through the media and power, for fear that the party just paranoid does prevail.
this internal struggle between its part paranoid pessimistic, optimistic and part hyper naive, the ruling is grafted from other parts of his personality: the rational part, the philosophical and so on.
This film illustrates quite well what may happen in the mind of someone taking a sudden realization that something is wrong with the worldview imposed on it, and begins to understand a number of disturbing things.
Reality is sometimes so difficult to accept that this kind of internal conflict can lead to madness, or denial and refuge in the comfort of sheep in triumph, or for those who have the courage to keep going and to ask to the end, a new form to its vision. Renewal which the individual views will not change the situation, but the collective view, if it becomes widespread, can lead to changes, including what people give themselves the means to exercise real control on those who are supposed to govern us, so after all we serve, as it seems we are a democracy.
The only time the word Zionist is pronounced when the game is paranoid insult the naive part.
{{But it is extremely interesting that this film, which attacks many personalities the most senior of the Exchequer American politician and the CIA and the ISI, was careful to attack perfectly Mossad, Israel, or its relay in the United States.}}
But for those interested in the machinations of U.S. intelligence, especially in these cases of Islamic terrorists and handling, it is impossible to overlook the role of Mossad, a forerunner in the field.
Yet that is what made the film in an obvious self-censorship.
Can there be because it gets really dangerous?
In the film the actor repeatedly warned: it gets really dangerous what you said ...
It does so by crescendo, it swings full name and facts, and yet at the end, in his dialogue with what appears to be his superego, the part with the greatest decline in its domestic situation, it is the simple question of the beginning: that is what really happened on September 11? Suggesting that the explanation goes far beyond the names he mentioned, and yet everything involving the American state apparatus.
Who does he speak? The involvement of Israel? From a globalist mafia occult would use Israel as they use the U.S.?
In light of what is said in the film, one gets the impression that part of the mystery would be lifted if we knew the identity of those who organize the world drug traffic ...
You should know that today, money from drugs and arms smuggling schemes, so the money from the mob (I'm not talking about the Cosa Nostra Italian or Italian-American who is a Mafia rubbish compared to the real mafia) represent such a significant share of global financial flows, via the laundering havens by interposed, not only that all MNEs are involved (oil, drugs and weapons are often well together, especially when it 's acts of fomenting unrest in Africa and seen more recently in Burma, the heart of the Golden Triangle), but global growth, and even the world economy is partly based on it.
We saw recently that the subprime crisis, speculative real estate venture in the U.S., had shaken the banking system to the point where some fear a new crisis 29. But the drug money and arms smuggling schemes represent a lot more, and is even more entangled in the global economy through the circuits of tax havens.
You should know that tax havens have been largely developed by the Mafia, and are part of the arsenal of essential financial banks, that's why there will never be the de facto household.
These issues there, the report does not deal with it rather leaves the door open, and everyone is to get his idea.
In any case, despite the unspoken, despite suspicions about the site from which ReOpen911 video, the video is still interesting to watch with a critical eye of course.
Suspicions about the site reopen 911 are as follows: they have been infiltrated by young neo-Zionists under cover, which would have managed to put aside the founder Jimmy Walter, who threw in the towel due to internal dissensions, when he had resisted threats U.S. government and CIA, and some argue that media exposure enjoyed exceptional Dylan Avery is actually a red herring on September 11 by overexposing the U.S. responsibility, and minimizing the Israeli responsibility. This is certainly rumors that agitate the Web, since the media coverage of loose change 1 and 2, and since Avery said he was trying to make a big budget Hollywood film on September 11 in Following what Michael Moore.
Some argue that these charges are attributable to anti-Semitic criticism of Avery that would have Jewish roots, so the suspicion of party made pro-Israeli, others are rather suspicious invitations Dylan Avery on Fox News, the chain's most neoconservative, to present his film! It is true that it seems extraordinary when you know a few methods to the chain!
Others see the producers of the Hollywood version of Loose Change as the Zionists have produced or distributed the films anti-Muslim (with the Muslims as terrorists, criticizing Al Jazeera), in return they are accused of anti-Semitism because a producer is Jewish.
I can not give links to many forums (in English) where pro-and anti-avery engage in a fistfight, but the controversy has reached epidemic proportions large enough to be talked about.
And it's true that the media coverage of a boy of barely 20 years on this subject is still suspicious, especially since it has absolutely nothing to the debate on the topic, all topics that it addresses have already been ReOpen911 videos on the site at launch. By
cons he managed to make the movie "sexy", much more enjoyable to watch than the previous movies of the site, thanks to a well chosen soundtrack and a montage meet codes Hollywood.
But critics who accuse him of being selective to clear Israel are not wrong: before and after September 11 there was an intense Israeli secret service in the U.S., and many expulsions (the case of students in fine arts, moving companies Mossad etc..) none of these cases are not seriously addressed by Avery.
For example, the film above addresses the murder of Daniel Pearl in a completely innovative and interesting.
Unfortunately we would have liked it tackles the murder of Nicholas Berg, whom many suspect of being a Mossad agent. As luck would have taken flying lessons in the same school as Mohammed Atta and would have lent his laptop so that it sends messages to his terrorist friends ... Huge! And as if by chance we find this type in Iraq after the U.S. invasion. He was captured by coalition forces and detained for 2 weeks, its coverage is that of a telecom technician ... As luck after his release he was captured by "Islamists" and beheaded ... However, many sources argue that beheading is staged: the "Islamists" are suspected of gold jewelry and watches, absurd for a fundamentalist Muslim who wear Gold is forbidden (it is reserved for Women in Islam). Some say it is staged, and wondered why the band seems to have been mounted at the time of decapitation, which also seems implausible.
Another curious fact: Moore's propaganda film "Farehneit 911" had met Nicholas Berg, gold in the first draft he had simply cut the scenes in which Berg appeared (not to hurt the family officially) to back after some controversy erupted.
Now you must know that Michael Moore's agent is none other than Rahm Emmanuel, the spokesman for the Democratic party, and the equivalent of Julian National Dray. Rahm Emmanuel was born and lived in Israel until 25 years before joining the USA where he took citizenship and had a meteoric rise within the Democratic Party. Many suspect him of being an Israeli agent.
Not surprisingly, Moore has stressed in his overhyped film (and winner of the Palme d'Or) on the role of Saudi petro-dollars into the U.S. economy.
Supposedly 18% of the U.S. economy would be in the hands of Saudis.
Now all those who have some knowledge on the subject know that the reverse: 100% of Saudi petrodollars in the hands of Americans.
Besides, we clearly see that the turbulence caused by the Saudi falling dollar, causing inflation feverish, do not plead for a grip of the Saudis on the U.S. economy but rather the reverse.
And it was indeed the goal when Kissinger and Nixon decided to knowingly cause the oil shock of 1973 to increase the price per barrel, thus supporting the dollar, which had abandoned the gold as carrier. You should know that 50% of Saudi oil profits go to American companies that exploit it, the rest to the Saudis. For Kissinger and Nixon, it was urgent to control the mass of Saudi dollars: it was one hand and foot bind the Saudis to the U.S. economy to keep them from blackmail, and secondly it was repatriated to Saudi dollars they serve in the U.S. economy. The Saudis have been forced to work: within the royal family, all who cons were met quickly died under strange conditions, starting with King Faisal.
I begin to diverge from the topic I know, but as everything is connected (and the film shows very well ...).
Avery can emphasize the role of the oil lobby and the military, but it is impossible to explain the policy of the neocons by ignoring the pro-Israeli lobbies.
It seems that despite the First Amendment, speech is not free if it after all the USA.
These details deserve to be set.
Good movie.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Destination To Thank You
EDIT: I just saw the blog of Alexandre Lebrun ... apparently this is an actor and he trapped Sifaoui for personal promo ... Source:
Here is a message circulating on the forums about Sifaoui:
The Director of General Intelligence, Bruno Laffargue, complained to his hierarchy of methods considered "non-journalism" (surveys dependents) Mohamed Sifaoui. Seeing that other journalists are beginning to doubt him, Sifaoui eventually claim his "subjectivity". As he said himself: "I am entitled to my" subjectivity "!
Given the degree of provocation of the journalist, and so outrageously accusing, without proof, many officials, Bauveau place, demanded the withdrawal its police protection, especially against his screaming and methods they deem unworthy and miles away from any journalistic ethics. Attached to his police protection (for his image, because no threat to him today, apart from the two emails that were sent there qqs years), Mohamed Sifaoui Sarkozy wrote in to complain. A letter is absolutely pathetic and comical to read on his blog if you have a solid core.
Note that unlike Robert Redeker, a person in the intellectual milieu, yet lifted a finger to support it. That says a lot ...
Note: Redeker is just as phony as the Sifaoui ... But it's been years that has Sifaoui his bodyguard from the RG starting to get tired and that's understandable: they have something else than going to hell keep the door of the crapper when Sifaoui goes pee. For a cop GR, find themselves engaged in this kind of masquerade, it is worse than doing the movement ...
My original message: I
not resist passing this story Sifaoui caricature of ...
Sifaoui, the specialist reports bogus!
The method: get a handful of mythomaniacs, make them tell it anything, then drive the nail with large insinuating, if not the staging pure and simple.
Enjoy the following story: Sifaoui "infiltrated" the Asian community ... Momo, no need to "infiltrate" the Asian people are like everyone else, if you're an Asian friend with him ... he invites you in. need look no further!
Then he shows us what Momo? The
clandos in a restaurant! Momo I remind that the restoration is the medium that employs the most clandos with the construction ...
We found not only in Chinese restaus as he suggests ...
And then? He presents a caricature of mythology in the person of Lebrun ...
Sifaoui suggests that Lebrun has an entire office complex in Paris suburbs, and several luxury cars ...
Not a contradiction, it leaves later in the story lebrun admit that dodge taxes by not keeping more than 3000 euros in his account (the remaining 3 million euros, would be stashed outside banks therefore ...). It is hard someone tries to dodge the taxman put the dough in office buildings or luxury cars ...
More likely, Lebrun leases only part of the offices, and cars are either renting to impress the journalist, either occasionally (you can find mercedes OCCAZ of a few thousand euros).
In fact the biggest reproach to the mytho are what? To hire kids just to serve as a major straw men? Possession of weapons which nothing says they are not fake?
What the report shows more critical? One confuses the two con pals who threaten to kill as? The guy who claims it is also visibly drunk! Siafoui and call it a war mafia! A so-called godfather of the triads who rents a nightclub one evening, and is filmed with her face uncovered? What proves that true? Grotesque!
Worse Krongsak, which is a great champion and definitely not a thug, is trapped by Sifaoui that by installing the game come to believe that it is a henchman of Lebrun ... Gold Krongsak never actually discussed this with Sifaoui, who cut the mounting piece of the sentence out of context to believe that ... Krongsak now risks losing the right to teach thai in town halls where he teaches! Even more grotesque
: LeBrun claims that Krongsak can raise an army of fighters among its students, which is completely ridiculous! At no time does Sifaoui ask students Krongsak ... Now I know his students, it could have been me ... I know exactly what I would have answered if I had been there Sifaoui to train with other students on the day he showed up with his camera ... Especially since I know him and his methods. Taking for granted the crap told by Lebrun, Sifaoui is demonstrating its absence Total professionalism. Lebrun is a living caricature ... He who claims to have political ambitions in his community, his reputation after this story is made: he has no chance! He is now a big loser! Worse still if his story of 3 million stashed in a sock (patently false) drew the attention of true thugs, I do not care much about skin Lebrun! And it is not his shotgun will not help Krongsak that will defend!
Only in France that Sifaoui is "regarded" as a journalist. His reports are rejected by the other channels francophone, Switzerland, Belgium or Canada, as deemed anti-professional.
But France's TF1 does not care about professionalism and ethics. It has been for years in pure propaganda, it's about creating a climate.
Already 3 years ago, Chinese restaurants have suffered a huge loss of revenue after reporting on racist is called \\ sanitation restaus in Chinese!
I know of restaurateurs, especially in Asia: I can tell you that random checks of health services are common, and they do not hesitate to close restaus not meeting the standards. Most restaus are clean, at least those in Paris.
But then, from some cases, the TV had generalities ... Immediate drop in attendance restaus Chinese ... We wanted to destroy these small entrepreneurs are it would not have taken more!
course then as now, the Asian community was cashed without complaint, not their style.
But does: you have to say STOP this insidious racism that wants to make all types of Asian ladles, who do people outside their community (the fact that Sifaoui, an Arab, has been readily accepted the evidence contrary, and as a friend of many Asians I can tell you that the community is very open, especially the young who do not distinguish absolutely other youth in the French mentality), which are themselves justice, which racquettent, working illegally, and especially who have no health ...
The most racist myth hackneyed is also one of hygiene!
must be stopped: when the English began to colonize Asia, Asians are taught that their culture bath!
The Arabs know the soap since 4000 years (the soap of Aleppo in Syria remains legendary), whereas at the time of the noble grandeur of Versailles hid them under layers of grime powder flour, while that they hid their odors under tons of flavors: one does not wash at the time at the court of King ...
My purpose is not to say that we French are "dirty" (reputation has nevertheless stuck to France in quite a conquered country, particularly in the East), but the myths of peoples of poor hygiene Indigenous inferiorized are built on nothing! And we certainly do not learn to give to others in the field!
Now it is on all of these myths (Chinese deceitful, dirty ...) that are based either disants the "reports" on the Eastern communities, particularly Asian.
This must stop!
And say that this issue of the swindler Charles Villeneuve dares to call itself "the Right to Know"! The right canard would be more accurate!
What would be nice today to end the racist media manipulation, that blacks, Arabs or Asians gather to protest against the lies propagated by the media, the main vectors of racism today!
It's like the 30's except that instead of Jews today are blacks, Asians and Arab targets!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
What Happens After You Worm A Puppy?
I do not know if speaking of "agitated" it includes my blog since a few days ago I expressed my regret over the fact that a guy I found was not smart like Ribbe This was quite beside Dieudonné. I also made him the reproach of its ambiguous position on the Africans. In an editorial
he explained clearly and concisely: it uses the word, finally, to "campaign against Dieudonné. Bravo for having used the word!
It explains its position vis-à-vis Africa: what are the rejects of the genus Pap N'dyaye collaborators, as well as barbouzards françafricain. We also reject!
also expresses its sincere relationship with the real African leaders, foremost among them Thabo Mbecke! it's good, I think Thabo Mbecke, Desmond Tutu or Mandela as the honor of Africa and the Third World in general, the few politicians who dared denounce global clear state racism in some countries ( is it a surprise if they are banned from some countries due to antisémitisation?).
Bravo Mr. Ribbe, and also congratulations for your recent editorial, strong pugnacious, which breaks the usual political jargon!
I think that's what voters expect your potential, and is brave, especially if you come without a label, so without the protection of a party and his network.
assured that as you continue to tell the truth forcefully, many of us among the base and anonymous support you, and relay calls. We may not be available interpersonal politicians, but at a time when the base is increasingly wary of its political representatives is disants (this appears clearly in the internal conflict between unionists and strikers both among students and staff) I think it's time for a generation of brave men, to break the stranglehold of political parties on public speaking, and speak directly to voters that you do on your blog, what we do on ours.
Call for formation of a representative council of West Indians and Africans in France
People often ask me why I denounce the Cran. It's very simple: the skull was trained in emergency and in secret by a small handful of African upstarts who believe fill handle in the wake of the crisis in the suburbs and countryside Anti-Dieudonne, West Indians and Africans in France. With incredible naivete, they thought to pose as sole interlocutors with a government disoriented by the crisis, mired in racist and incapable of managing the law Taubira. With the support of some ignorant journalists and communications firm well known on the Paris, the case worked for a while. But the government soon realized he was shooting itself in the foot by playing into the hands of the extreme right. Indeed, using the racial prejudice and communitarianism as a slogan, the propaganda around the Cran advances Jean-Marie Le Pen several points. CRAN has finally exploded when the shameful exploitation and rewarding to hear that Patrick Lozes memory of slavery has been revealed. How do we imagine that the Cran can prosper while it was imagined by a Pap Ndiaye, stooge Pétré-Grenouilleau, historian and ignorant liar who accuses the Africans to be responsible for slavery, so that was taken to the baptismal font by Pocrain which paved with illuminated racist Tribe Ka, a son of Minister Lozes Benin prostrate before the power? Some
agitated accuse me of picking on Africans. I do have never been racist as Africans and communitarians, for half-pay of French Africa, the toadies, the yes-man, the defenders of Napoleon and revisionist ideology.
True Africans - and there were not many - were at my side in Port-au-Prince on January 1, 2004 to celebrate the bicentennial of Haiti. No, we were not numerous, but among us there was Thabo Mbeki, the man who protects my friend Jean-Bertrand Aristide on behalf of the 53 countries of the African Union. So I did no lessons to receive small colonial auxiliaries in the pay of énarchie franchouillard Beke-Banania.
Since Cran is dead, so I propose today to all the French anti-racism from the Caribbean or Africa to come together not by the criterion of the absurd and segregationist skin color but based on their origins and their specific problems in forming, in a spirit of transparency and respect for others, a representative council of West Indians and Africans in France.
Claude Ribbe
Source: E9dito.htm
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Pressure On Lower Stomach And Peeing A Lot
negrophobia Manipulation of France 2 and Supplemental Survey: Dusquesne accomplice.
By reading this article A2N , I learn that France2 announced a subject on black community factions "antisemitic" ...
This confirms what I suspected in my previous article on the subject KS was actually a trap to derail and mount a show of sending the black community thesis dangerous to the republic, anti-Semitic, anti-white etc.. ..
I suspected for several reasons: I know by heart what kind of journalists, who had to deal with them in my youth. And I've seen too many stories absolutely not credible on so called "bullies" of the city, which made false show of violence. The stories are legion cans, but bigger is more things going on ...
The objectivity of the employees of "journalism"
I remember being younger, when there was unrest in the neighborhoods, we saw land this kind of "journalists", generally working for programs such as "Special Envoy" ("Zionist envoy" would be more accurate), or "Forbidden Zone" ("Zone NonSionistes prohibited "would be more accurate).
Such journalists were first to take the temperature by" disguising "sometimes sir-all-the-world, so as not to attract attention: they parked their van a little apart, came the ATV Safety, fucked a tracksuit top and came to the cities as they passed by there by chance ... In other words, they deceived no one and were easily detected, but it did not stop them ... They had to continue a subject to do!
Once the temperature taken, and when they had pictures, they came with their equipment, handheld camera and everything.
They then began a tour of the city to discuss with the "natives".
initially not aware of the perfidy of these characters, there were still "big brothers", or "big sisters" (as the jargon of journalists, anyone who looks smarter and more mature than the average is necessarily a big brother, even if only son) who would speak clearly and fantasies of real concerns and problems of cities adopting an intelligent discourse, courteous, well-argued, clear and French-language chat ...
other words, nothing that corresponds to the cliches that journalists were picking up!
Because yes, the fundamental misunderstanding was:
big brothers or big sisters who would speak dispassionately and intelligently before the cameras, imagined that the journalists had come to do a real investigative work .
A real investigative work requires them to come to work without a-priori, seeking to understand the situation, and making a report balanced and objective based on actual observations of the situation.
But employees who tele we were not there to see it ...
They were there to take pictures shock, because the topic of the show was already selected, and the thesis would be promoted: people of the cities are dangerous thugs, lawless. The cities are lawless areas inhabited by wild ...
From there, it does not interest them to talk to smart people and good faith.
They had violence, sensationalism.
You should have seen as turning the clock: they seemed more concerned that they did not get the images they were looking for.
Their wage depended on: they had pictures of violence and savagery ...
How it ended?
Generally, they were moving away from the city, returning to their truck, while some of their accomplices would arrange with the kids most wineries and most cons of the city.
The deal was very simple! It's always easy to find a bunch of little gogolitos who want to play hard and get on TV! If necessary a small 50-franc note could help ...
Thus the most gutless suddenly found themselves promoted "gang leaders" of the city.
And the guys were going to give journalists for their money (some biftons 50 francs).
These guys were young virgins who had intended to remain so for quite some time saw their IQ, suddenly found themselves turning rapists! Glory!
Absolutely not credible to those of the city acknowledged that despite the blurred face!
Journalists often arrive with a script, and asked the youths to repeat several times their natural role in staying! Here we were bottomed in the manipulation! The will was blatantly fake! What Ethics!
But it was scary to France looking M6, TF1 and France 2.
These guys who were cut as shrimp and nobody feared were described as dangerous gangsters ...
After some kind of scam (he must believe that journalists were passing the word on the cities where you could easily find good pictures for cheap), the situation was clear: the journalists were persona non grata in the city ...
And everything I can advise people of all cities is to host with flour and eggs from journalists looking for sensational images!
racist campaigns on TV: Arab aggressors and black rapists thieves, innocent Jewish victims of hate islamobamboula free republic threatened
Benoit Dusquenes is perfectly complicit in the racist campaigns that are commonplace in the media. On the one hand everything is done to certify the fact that blacks and Arabs are Semitic French, the other Jews are threatened, victims!
crying in this story is probably so fake that Elie Chouraqui on antisemitism Youth Montreuil!
Jewish Community of France
sent freshizzle
I could not watch the report to the end so it reeks of manipulation and incitement to racism!
Watch it with a critical eye and you will see: not a single insult or assault filmed. While it claims that it happens every day ... How the journalist made to swallow the pill? He claims that he was forbidden to film out of school (when where daily attacks would occur) for safety issues. The journalist does so no critical inquiry and relies exclusively on the version presented to him!
Anthology citation:
"without widespread anti-Semitism is the fact 98% of immigrants"
"young Jews were attacked by blacks and Arabs" or
this young Betar is presented as a big brother who watches over kids and who swears he does not have weapons (though, nunchaku, batons and bottles of acid are common, if not a military arsenal at home Raphael Shoeman "collector" of AK47 and bazookas).
Good confess, I could not go through with the show!
Besides poor Jews necessarily victims, look a bit the look of "terrorists" that we sell M6
Islamist terrorist Forbidden Zone
sent by Trendio
These guys are ridiculous, but they wear a beard and a jellaba and they are afraid, it is sufficient to Forbidden Zone. We're in the big manip huge here!
Examples so I can get out dozens whatsoever on "Special Envoy", "The Right to Know", "further investigation", "Forbidden Zone" and so on. By
cons never a word about the Jewish Mafia and Operation Plant Banks who misappropriated billion francs (probably not far from the billion euros) to Israel.
There are times when it is modest on the ethnic and religious backgrounds on TV!
Another video for the road: on turning!
Not a victim of being interviewed, no, but a girl who's afraid (probably too you it looks on TV). Yet it is boys who should be afraid when she verbally insulted by a guy, she comes down with a butcher knife!
She is afraid because she is easy prey: she is French (the others are not, of course!). She would have liked to be Arab would have been a big brother and respect!
And the two idiots in the car! Ha they certainly did not have their certificate of studies both here!
Rape Rotating Suburbs
sent Trendio
Strings journalists are always the same!
Fear of power: union of citizens 'basic', Jews, blacks, whites, Arabs against the plutocracy and a true Republic. Strategy: divide and conquer, with the help of the media and racism
So that just by listening to leading questions and the tone used by the journalist who asked France2 KS for further investigation, I quickly concluded that she was there to film a skid.
It is clear that the stresses gradually as time passes, bringing on KS questions of identity, race, what he thinks of France etc..
She expected him to spit on the Jews, or failing that at least he spit on France.
He must at all costs to the idea of black anti-Semite, or failing that of black anti-white racist.
Unfortunately, the response of KS on French identity would have agreed with him the more chauvinistic of French self-proclaimed "native"!
Danger! What would happen if the French "native" began to appreciate and respect these "dark factions" that desperate to present it as their worst enemies?
It would not be that the populations that we handle and pushes hate to realize that they can discuss and understand each other!
No, he is pushing everyone into a corner of the paranoid!
Thus the media, a hand for years denounced the anti-Arab racism and anti-black "ethnic French" basically xenophobic, collaborators, racist, antisemitic and incidentally all the fantasies that béhaliens you will, while on the other hand, the same media also denounced for years the danger of communalism "black", the "ethnic gangs" black or Arab, basically Francophobe, blancophobes, sociophobes, incidentally antisemitic fantasies finkielkrautiens and all we want.
It will be understood, the only racism "disturbing" and common to both "ethnic French collaborators" rather than "anti-Zionist islamobamboulas-Semitic" is the only supposed anti-Semitism.
For Anti-Semitism (and often assumed surfantasmé, baked and annealed) is above all! Anyway this is what they would have us believe in a post I point you in prépartion inconsistencies of these intellectuals who supposedly are hunting Semitic, though they do not hesitate to defend ex-Nazi (and therefore real antisemites with Jewish blood on their hands) when it suits them, while they deal with some Nazis of those who fought them against Nazism during the Second World War. For in reality the supposed fight against anti-Semitism is a tool used to justify the most cynical political agenda!
But what about the instrumentalization of anti-Semitism, racism, chauvinism etc.. deserves a full ticket (may be tomorrow, stay tuned).
Anyway if time Mitterand media seemed more concerned with fighting against the fascist threat of FN (Jospin admits in the video later that this was the can and guilt and manipulation to occuppe the field) and defend "lénoirélezarabes" threatened by the racism of rednecks, now under Sarkozy is the reverse occurs: the media rise in anti-white racism supposed mayonnaise and a supposed anti-Semitism in the suburbs which will prove equally untrue that the fascist threat of the 80s.
The purpose of all this? Divide and conquer. While they were mounting a class of people against another, it prevents the emergence on the political scene in front of the real issues of substance.
Yesterday SOS Racisme was trying to manipulate young people (tickets will be allocated), now we can no longer handle, they openly struggle against them, evidence that the official anti-racism has always been that fraud (since they are the same people who yesterday caressed, and now clap).

Bibendum Dray: racism is my job! Hin Hin! Thank you all lunch!
I will more fully on these issues but know that both the fight against anti-Semitism, the fight against racism, or sarkozyenne defense of national identity, are only scams to deceive the maximum citizens, putting them in conflict with each other in struggles sterile leaving hands free to those who act. Jews, blacks, Arabs, whites will in turn set the agenda for the opposition next time.
Thus it will appear the following conjunctions:
- Jewish, Arab and black against white racist and anti-Semitic villains (SOS Racisme)
- whites against blacks and Jews and Arab anti-white racist and antisemitic (current position of the media)
- Jews and black cons Arab and white slavers (revisionist position on slavery like "We're all black Jews" supported by TMF or OPG inducted by Elkabbach)
- Jews, Arabs, whites against blacks bloody dangerous (Petion "David, Sebastian, Kader "against anti-white racism in the course represented by Mamadou)
One can imagine other configurations depending on the political agenda of the moment.
Anyway we see that Jews are used loosely. Unscrupulous manipulation! Unfortunately, few Jews are realizing ...

Carabosse: political prostitution and submission to the king money!
Anyway, KS has avoided the trap shoes and proves one thing: a coherent and well argued, not hate and reconciling whites, blacks and Arabs (all victims of the same manipulators because after all we forget there were white slaves in France at the same time there were black slaves and indigenous: the serfs and workers, miners and other proletarians treated like the last shit ...) has no chance of pass through the media.
Indeed, the media are there to control the social sphere and divide.
What would have happened if the days of colonialism massively dominated the blacks, Arabs, Vietnamese, Malagasy and whites had been able to transcend the artificial divisions to fight against the powers of money who enslaved them?
At the time it was more difficult barriers of language and communication facilities.
Now that the news travels at the speed of the internet, and that English is heavily spoken, such a conjunction between peoples is possible.
Without going too far, such a combination is feasible in France, even among populations that grow to hate each other.
It is time to stop foolishly fall into the trap of division.
Racism is good for weak minds! There will always were Christian Islamophobes, Negrophobes, Francophobe, Judeophobia, etc. Arabophobia. We can not do anything about it! Until these morons are still at the margin the better! The only racism that is used, it is the oligarchs which by all means seek to divide the human cattle for better control. Let us not behave like cattle!
And what I say at the level of false racial divisions is also true for false political divisions!
Those who manipulate us by all means, we proved today that the UMP and the PS have been complicit and have never formed a single political oligarchy which shares power forever. This is perfectly clear in the little game that engages and Sarkozy has the merit of dropping the mask!
Therefore Dieudonné is also fiercely opposed by the media!
It is popular and likely to open the eyes of many people, especially young!
It transcends racial divisions and political dares challenge the instrumentalization of the Holocaust
It represents the true left and proved it by shaking hands with Le Pen, that despite the divisions color, race, politics, all we could talk and talk so as a citizen, even when we disagree, and without going into insults and ideological struggles that merely pointing to each other and and maintain the division among the French! He proved that a black could shake the hand of a so-called fascist without fluff, and vice versa!
short, by his speeches and actions, it undermines the whole ideological edifice that subtle ways of 1000, French citizens are divided and thus can not effectively fight for their rights!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My Mother Let Me Wear Girdles
I diffuse this interview with Kemi Seba and friends of his that I find interesting in more ways than one.
I must first say that I'm not black, let alone not Kemite. By
cons for years I started thinking about the injustice of the world, the dominant-dominated relationship, being interested in the shady politics and history, but also to human nature and animal and the religion of universal domination is money.
Although I am extremely critical vis-à-vis the media, I am like everyone else, however, vulnerable to brainwashing. So I had to some extent been influenced by this image of Nazi black as the media wants to stick to the skin of KS. I do not know if it is based, I do not think, so the media call Nazi easily while those opposed to the doctrinaire double standard. But I must say that without knowing the words nor the ideas of KS, I tended to distrust. And we must say that I understand nothing Kemite Folklore, etc. hotep. Which makes me think the resurgence of paganism, Druidism etc. identity among whites (knowing that all these modes of neo-paganism, Wicca, Druidism etc. are often controlled by sects such as Scientology, Freemasonry etc..). So the sectarian aspect tended to push me away ... And he had a reputation for anti-Semitic sacred! But after all, what a freethinker is not messin not anathema supreme?
Anyway people are judged first on their statements, then their actions ...
And I must say that I recognize myself in what is said in the video by the various stakeholders, with some nuances. I will return. When acts of KS, the future will tell us what it is. But the main
in these ideas is that KS does not fall into the trap of racial opposition. It has been too often portrayed as a racist anti-white.
This is not "whites" he accused, but the oligarchs!
And I can only agree with him!
Who are the oligarchs? Those who over time have become so rich that they no longer even try to raise capital, they create, by usurping the sovereign powers previously (monopoly of kings) of minting coins.
Today it is a small group of private banks, discrete but very powerful because the basic global monetary system, who have usurped this power, violating the democracies because a democracy that did not control his economy has no political power, and is only a puppet in the hands of bankers.
capitalization of these banks seem paltry compared to the amount of capital in circulation, or relative to the capitalization of other banks, but it is an illusion: almost all capital outstanding is that the virtual currency that does not exist. Crisis and the amount of capital may find themselves squeezed, and all other banks in ruins, while revealing the disproportionate power of those handles bank behind the central banks.
The only thing that there are debts. Including the debts of States.
But when it comes to debts of the States everybody tends to think that if there are states in debt, then there are the creditor States, foremost among them the U.S. center of the global economy ...
False: The U.S. State is the most indebted in the world.
Beneficiaries: small clique of private banks at the base of globalization.
They impose their policies to the world through the IMF, World Bank, WTO, EU, NATO, UN etc.. which are all instruments increasingly discredited because they mislead about their true nature.
They decide wars and genocides against the peoples (Iraq I, embargo, Iraq II: 2 million dead low range ... Not to mention the rest of the world ...).
Believe it or not, but they have intervened in the wars world, the Bolshevik Revolution (they are above the divisions capitalist / communist and use of all ideologies to increase their power, including the recent patterns of ecology, humanitarian etc..), they were very active under Napoleon, but also during the French Revolution (bourgeois revolution), the English Revolution (ditto), the fall of the Czar by the Bolsheviks, the fall of the caliph by the Young Turks (most Freemasons) etc..
Conspiracy? The term is legitimate only when those in power (usually valet oligarchs) accuses his opponents necessarily terrorists. The
KS oligarchs mentioned above are ideologies, religions above (even if officially they conveniently appear as supporters of this ideology, or followers of any religion). They are above even money (the best instrument of social control).
But very often to silence any criticism against them they hide behind "Jews and Money", using as a screen of some of their accomplices "who call themselves Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan "to quote the Bible (Apocalypse of St. John). At this rate fall into the trap of gross anti-Semitic hatred is back in their game, and it would make them too happy.
Are they omnipotent?
Their power is an illusion that only works as long as we continue to foolishly walk in the combined, ie continue to obey the control system by which money is a widespread control by debt.
Oh sure, they can use states as puppets and use armies of so-called sovereign countries for their wars.
Today it is clear that the U.S. Army is led astray by a clique of private interests mélant Israeli lobby, lobby oil and military-industrial lobby ...
But it was the same when the British Royal Navy was used by Sassoon to go to the Opium War in China.
was the same when merchants and industrial lobbies (conversion of old money négrières) pushed the French government to send the army in North Africa and Black Africa to seize the resources of the mother continent. Same in Indochina. So yes
States U.S., British, French and more generally to colonial and imperialist were complicit in these oligarchs.
But since when are they people? Who can believe that Bush represents the American people who are against the war in Iraq, and who were against the U.S. entered the war in both World Wars. If tomorrow Sarkouchner send our soldiers to Iran, will represent the French people-you it?
The real danger that fear the oligarchs is a real wave of revolutions (or armed through the ballot box), which gives sovereignty to the people.
They have eradicated the old order, abolishing all the royal power, and abolish the old religious powers (marginalization of the Church, eradication of the Caliphate).
They implanted the power of banks to place in the West, and one-party dictatorship in the East (which from the beginning have cynically deal together). Now the banks' power extends everywhere ... Globalization is presented as inevitable ...
How to fight? It's simple: Chavez in every country! Chavez is a Venezuelan "native" who loves his country and his people and who believes in God (even if it does not crawl before the Pope).
If Chavez were everywhere, we could all work out in bypassing the banks.
It cancels the debts of everyone! The banks are ruined! We care about the oligarchs in prison: they all go to a true IPT. Although
sure it will not happen at least not all at once ... Then he must pray that these sovereign peoples who fight for their dignity, ultimately prevail over the oligarchs.
is why we are naturally attracted to small countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq or Iran ...
Over there the face of the oligarchs has shown so hideous that people are fighting for their dignity and sovereignty, each time with the alliance that fear as the oligarchs: the religious sense (including the idea of sacrifice ), and the love of their land and independence, whether Christian or Muslims, South American or Eastern.
In Europe no risk, a sense of the sacred has disappeared, let alone the meaning of sacrifice, when the love of his country, it is automatically suspect of collusion with the extreme right. Only when we called Gallo, Sarkozy, or Finkielkraut it is possible to adopt a speech patriot without the permission of the CRIF, we take the risk of being a Nazi if you do it.
unilateral cancellation of debt, international laws to counteract the power of money which may total sovereignty of peoples ...
is why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so attracted our attention as we are all, we feel that this war is played down the symbolic power of globalization that crushes peoples, cultivations, dignities ...
the outcome of this battle depends the hope of the world. Until the Palestinians are resisting, there is hope for all ...
But back to the video. Why
France 2 wanted to interview KS?
For self-poisoned by their own propaganda, they took him to an idiot who would hate to give them what they wanted to show in their reporting racist blacks dangerous, advocating hate speech, which illustrate the danger blacks for the Republic.
Questions posed by the biased journalist, and the tone in which she poses leave no doubt.
No luck, they did not expect a course on human rights, double standards, and the oligarchy that rules the mafia world, especially the third world.
I was not expecting it either!
Obviously they did not broadcast a story that
1) say inconvenient truths
2) could give a positive view of KS, which desperately needs to pass for a monster
Now I bring nuance to the discourse on French identity ...
From the moment the French government has fallen into the trap of domination over other nations, its identity has changed. She likes it or not!
Already, the France national entity is a modern construction. Even today, many Bretons, Basques, Corsicans, etc. of Savoy. feel Breton, Basque, Corsican, Savoy, and only after French ... A few generations ago, they felt only Breton, Corsican, Basque, etc.. and not really French!
So already we hear much about what I mean French. What relationship between Basque and an Alsatian?
If these identities have been integrated into the French melting pot, so why not the others, the ex-colonized, with no more chooses to be attached to France than the regional (except that the colonized were subjects, and regional citizens ...). A
magrhébin the third generation, married to a French-born European who do not speak the language, there has never set foot, and does not go live, we can say that it is French, at least as much English as the third generation, that we do not claim to account for the second generation because he is white and Christian.
The main problem with North Africans, Afro-Caribbean or Asian and that on their skin or in their names, they wear their extra-European origins, and it is not easy to change the perception of others. Now
speech KS does not bother me: it does not feel French, and he feels attached to a home country (Benin I think), it is perfectly right.
you one Demands to French living in the USA, England or anywhere else they deny France?
Willing to submit to you they are not such a choice?
Birthday Wish For My 20 Year Old Son
I just have a look at the site of Claude Ribbe ... Especially on his blog.
I have always found Mr. Ribbe said on his blog and his books very interesting things ...
And I always regretted that Ribbe never take advantage to Dieudonné. Dieudonné is not because black, but because Dieudonne denounced his words to him, which denounces with Ribbe his prose Normale in his blog and his books.
See next issue which is fried Ribbe Gallo cons who monopolizes the issue to justify the horrors! We see that Ribbe is particularly pugnacious, and is a victim of the same opponents and the same methods as Dieudonné.
review the way the entire program, we see how the word Ribbe and Ramadan is respected by the little néosionistes involved in the issue, as Gallo burp like a Nazi, cutting the floor constantly spewing outright or Valls on Ramadan.
So obviously, unlike Confident Ribbe, never daring to cross the yellow line which is to address the unspeakable. He does not do it by focusing on individuals such as Finkielkraut for example, but losing sight of Fink is that the interchangeable cog in a system, and it is far more effective to attack the heart system.
But the truth is that when Dieudonné had the lobby on the coat, they all did in their pants!
Ribbe him, had treated Dieudo clown and participated in its way to discredit the message by attacking the messenger ... When asked about Dieudo he came out of this embarrassing issue that wants to television is required that blacks condemn the maroons, pretending not to be interested in what it said "clown" who, n has not referred Normal Sup ', could not have interesting opinions on the matter. Elitist way of thinking put on the shelf and the claims for billions of human beings on earth who will never have the chance to pursue higher education.
But I must concede that at least did not Ribbe responsible for timely Dieudo get a place in the media.
He could have done.
That would have been pointless, as the examples of opportunistic Beyala Kelman and demonstrate, but he could be tempted ...
If not defended Dieudonne, at least he has not been too bad against him! Because
Beyala and Kelman them in terms of careerism more or less awkward ...
Beyala were extenuating circumstances: at the time she went with Drucker and hoped to get married by Michel, who saw him in this story of a banal story buttocks.
Vexed since the Drucker has dampened hopes of an upstart, Beyala found a slightly more combative speech that I have seen betrayal by denouncing his romance in a book, which will benefit "strangely" not TV promo, and also through his statements against Zoe's Ark.
But it was completely discredited, and at least blow the whistle at the slightest promise of a folding seat in sight, it will start to spit on the Maroons as Dieudonné who dare to attack the system of thought unique double standard.
Kelman is to put this together that Beyala, he was offered access to TV and a promo for his unexpected books in exchange for his anti-Dieudonne charges.
Curiously he will return to his accusations anti-Dieudonne on RMC radio, and even adopt a tone of protest to defend some of his ideas ... Maybe he had seen on the Internet that the sites black community thought of him? No matter because after that he changed several more times to review the matter, without knowing the reason for his inconsistency. Anyway, Kelman has lost all credibility as Beyala. Now they have come to serve, I doubt if the system proves grateful saw the ingratitude that characterizes ... Kelman and Beyala will therefore betrays the anti-negrophobia for less than nothing, worse than Judas who had received his 30-denier ... Let's go to
Ribbe: well stronger than Dieudonne (which uses humor and provocative), it attacks the negrophobia through long demonstrations bookish and scholarly, but unlike Dieudonné who attacks all forms of racism (at negrophobia anti-African Anti-Caribbean, but also Arabophobia, Islamophobia, Zionism, etc..) Claude Ribbe confined to the anti-Caribbean negrophobia that it seems ...
I say that it seems to me because I think he adopts contradictory attitudes on the subject. He has long held alongside the Collective Dom, and Patrick Karam that hump now with Sarkozy. I do not know exactly what relationship he had with Karam (thank you for informing me in forum, I think they had clashed), but in any case Karam, the "black issue" does not arise: in the name of the citizenship that distinguishes blind no color among its citizens ...
is really nice, but in fact must be recognized that a black who is denied housing or a job because he is black, regardless of whether West Indian citizen so for centuries, or African freshly landed.
But in a lot of West Indians still prevails that vision that has been imposed by the settler, it is the rejected children of Africa, that Africans did not want them and that is why Africans would have "sold" to the French slavers. Method abject destruction of the identity of a victim by making it guilty of his own misfortunes. Method unfortunately as old as the world and we can see in action in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran tomorrow, yesterday throughout Africa, Asia etc. colonial times. But if indeed
African tribes took part in the transatlantic slave trade, we must know that they had no choice. A bit like the neo-colonial Africa has not chosen to live in misery ...
You should know that before the emergence of African kings, the African coast Atlantic fought slavers. They were the first victims of trafficking.
And it is because their struggle became increasingly effective, and therefore capture slaves returning more and more expensive than the slave traders have decided to finance "black kings" in their pay, which are the ancestors current African dictators, responsible for selling the black slave traders in exchange for firearms, which gave them an advantage over neighboring tribes they were going to raid, but in exchange for worthless beads and rum imported from West Indies.
The system of negro kings was imposed across Africa as the system is imposed dictators today ...
The trial is being done to Africans is a mock trial in a largely ... That does not mean there is no responsibility on the African side: we need to separate things and distinguish active collaborators with the victims of this system. But do not confuse the collaborator with the payer. Just as it is a mock trial to say "the French" are slavers. Behind this "the" generalizing very convenient, lies a few families of the bourgeoisie and nobility who became the great capitalists of the modern era. Accumullé on capital the backs of slaves and colonized over the centuries, including metropolitan white slaves who worked in factories or mines, now finds himself converted in cases more or less "serious", but has not been squandered . As long as we continue to say "French", "Arabs", "blacks" or "Jews" were slaveholders, they will be accused of anti-French racism, anti-everything and prevent research on the real owners of the money accumulated at the expense of human misery.
Aparté passage: Dieudonné has been sentenced for allegedly said "Jews are slave "as he never said it, but he spoke of militia racists who were assaulting her audience in Lyon, saying" those who attack me are slave ...". But even if 'he had said "Jews are slave ...", I do not see how it's more racist than saying that it was blacks or Arab slave traders, as one hears all the time in the media . His conviction is therefore entirely political and not based on anything.
But back in to Ribbe: he dithers, he squirms, it's OK to tackle negrophobia but in his corner, and especially not on the side of infréquentables as Dieudonné, would not it party to be treated as anti-Semitic turn. Claude yet do not worry, now that the fate of Dieudonné is set, it will be your turn to go through it.
Because the tactic is simple slave, she walks and has also been applied successfully in the Arab or the Vietminh.
This is divide and conquer.
It was far easier to attack a lobby Dieudo isolated Beyala an insulated, isolated Kelman, an isolated Ribbe, a Confident insulated etc etc rather than a block that is sustained in anti-negrophobia despite the divisions and disputes that may occur internally.
Probably Claude Ribbe answer that does not recognize the Ogres, he was asked if the issue publicly, as the Ogres are victims of the campaign's false accusations have to suffer Dieudonné.
But just read what he thinks of Olivier Petre-Grenouilleau and Pap N'dyaye bail black, to know that he thinks the same thing as us. Ogres have also been the first to denounce OPG, when it was made public mention of its work in issuing Elkabbach on Public-Sénat.
All this is unfortunately policy: we have seen, Claude Ribbe has thought through he would have the blessing of Bayrou for legislative ...
Under these conditions, OK to terminate, but without going too hard and not appear too close to the "Semitic" imagined, especially as it appeared at Sarcelles where the Jewish vote is very powerful.
Claude, know that I saw the show where we saw you shake hands at the market and distributing leaflets, putting up posters ... Sorry to say, but I felt sorry for you ... Obviously you still hoping to have the imprimatur Bayrou's party, and without doubt it was the show to attract his attention ...
qu'Ogre As I knew already that it does be useless: OK, for free labor, distribution of leaflets etc.. By cons believe that you would be rewarded for your efforts Billposters it be naive in politics. All played in the background, and you had already accumulated a liability that you went beyond the pale.
Especially within the party that Bayrou you great enemies, as you Lozes love so much cutting.
The impression it gives me all this: Too much dithering, the Afro-Caribbean revolve around the bush too, instead of block Negrophobia cons.
In the fight against anti-Semitism, the Jewish community rallied each time, including when they are embedded in mock battles and handling. It is the opposite extreme of what can be seen in blacks.
Jews of all stripes and persuasions different can come together to march against anti-Semitism, be it fantasy or exaggeration.
blacks who have good reasons to march (how many dead burnt black in slums owned by slumlords or killed in police brutality?) do not because they are divided, or the so called \\ becaufe representative associations actually represent anything.
Representativeness blacks could possibly be done by the convergence of media and intellectual personalities, artists, sportsmen, writers, philosophers, historians, etc..
And that's where I was going with this article: Claude Ribbe think in the back lot of the things said Dieudonne in his sketches or her controversial statements. I'm sure the bottom Claude Ribbe fully agrees with this idea of "slave converted in the bank." Dieudonne said under the influence of emotion after the attack on his audience, and after being treated dirty negro, but his statements are not based on anything! Claude Ribbe who is an expert on Haitian history necessarily know the history of Gradis, these wealthy Jews who built their fortunes on the sugar industry and the slave trade in Santo Domingo, while the French crown jewels. Inevitably the return of Dieudonné would remind him of certain episodes in the history of Haiti. But it is clear that he preferred not to brave the media storm and stand back from this story. Without taking too openly sided with Dieudonne he could simply say that Dieudonne was right ... Only Rosa Amelia Plummelle-Uribe dare do so. Even if it was not publicized, it is to his credit for having done so.
There will be no representation of blacks, as blacks to the black profile will remain their separate ways.
Whether you like it or not, you artists, intellectuals, athletes who represent the black with the rest of the population ...
If you are unable to support each other when you negrophobia insidious campaign rages against one of you, so do not come crying to the fact that nothing changes.
Dieudonné had it fully understood the role that was his, not only as black but as a spokesperson for all the voiceless, the outcasts, the marginalized. That's why it was and continues to be (although now boycotting the media) on all fronts against racism. He did not spare him his solidarity with others, not hesitating to lend his theater to lecture or serve as a meeting.
This union is essential, and would be around the Dieudonné and cons his lynching, which announced simply sidelined blacks who have things to say.
But she has not made and will not happen and that's unfortunate. The case
Dieudonne has been the developer of it.
The media strategy is perfectly clear now that Dieudonné is sidelined and that Sarkozy won the elections: the claims of racist blacks do not interest anyone. Dieudo exit, exit Ribbe and the little black personalities that had something to say about racism (as Lilian Thuram, who had the opportunity to say things very fair but we no longer see either).
Today blacks are highlighted are those who read the teleprompter and an angel face but the farm (as Roselmack ...), or else are blacks who are politically correct jokes (Fabrice Eboue ...). The
Negrophobes can sleep.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Evening Gowns For Rent Manila

Anyway, go ahead guys, make yourself at home, you only discredit it yourself.
the way, they even take the trouble to sign their posts so it became obvious that they are a handful, excited to see one all day long cons AJM.
As others see anti-Semitism as a Jewish victim of anything, I can not help but see Negrophobia in the way these guys harass AJM. Except that unlike the fantasies which show anti-Semitism in the lower tail of fish, moinde pv for speeding, anti-AJM attacks they are more clearly Negrophobes.
In fact no doubt is Negrophobia, because they deal AJM, Dieudonné, Kémi or any of their targets black in the same way: they say that they are stupid types ( insinuating blacks are less intelligent ), who do not know what they say (as heard blacks are incapable of culture ), expressed clumsily ( insinuating blacks can speak about is the little negro ), which are in the ideological confusion ( insinuating blacks are incapable of have a structured thought ) and are led by hatred ( insinuating blacks can only act under the influence of passion, if not endowed with reason ).
In fact in their harassment, they distil all the racist stereotypes about blacks, going so far as to doubt the study of history has led AJM ( is well known, blacks are not good at studies ).

Haaa that there are good êtwe heads negwes ... Exercise: imagine the same thing with hooked noses and invent a new line of candy haribos ...
They dare to mount a blog called antikémite (do not go read it, you will bring traffic to the Zionist scum who calls himself Wolf ^. White: very probably opposed to Black, this which is an unconscious confession of his license negrophobia) explaining that it was not for them because Negrophobia Kemite is different from black Kemite is a cult, and when they are told we are anti-Zionist and Zionist than we are different from the Jewish, Zionist is a cult, they shout anti-Semitism and stop their ears to the explanations of good faith.

The black cock in your ... negrophobia parochial rag!
course, they deny any negrophobia: they are so used to being negrophobia that for them it's natural, it's not racist to talk about the smell of black for example, or their supposed cultural or intellectual limitations. Elementary my dear Watson: soon waste in agony as the old Nobel will be extolled as justifying pseudo-scientific racist stereotypes about blacks less intelligent than whites, we will arrive soon to confirm the stereotype of Jews smarter that the goyim (taking into account IQ tests, strongly oriented, or the number of Nobel prizes, omitting all the social part that is essential to an understanding of all this: I would return in a forthcoming article).
By the way, look Fogiel emissions, because it repeats almost every time in Negrophobia with his negro Service Felix Eboue, who is in prostitution to get her face on TV ... Shame on him! By using a black columnist, can be Fogiel think you it is not proving as negrophobia, except that as he said repeatedly he will return to its cage if it is not nice, or he takes advantage whenever his conviction for racism spring type: "ho Felix, tell them I'm not racist because I took a black issue." The illustration in all its splendor, the black security service of the racist anti-racist (convicted of such) who does not.

Fogiel loves black culture, especially when they disguise themselves as humans with hat and bow tie, they are funny
Ultimately, we must believe that for some racist prejudices about blacks are so ingrained in the culture, this seems to be evidence and they do not even realize what they are doing.

Enough is enough, denouncing the feminization Zemmour: Fogiel as he prefers men virile and well sculpted.
one of two things gentlemen hypocrites: where you fight against the tyranny of political correctness, and then we have the right to criticize anyone, or when political correctness protects all classes of citizens.

BHL in natural ... Ok, not terrible but BHL is NEVER natural. He is perpetually worried! There he is afraid to miss their train because he has no confidence in this clock has made anti-Semitic delay of 5 minutes when she have seen, look elsewhere: it focuses on purpose, it is a proof. But it is not in BHL: quietly, it also examines his head at the same angle. Normal'Sup was not for nothing!
method to discredit the word of a Muslim will make him a supporter of Islamism, a vicious anti-Jew who keeps a double discourse: this is how it is tariqramadaniser. Playing on the worst stereotypes Islamophobic.

We found the black lobby!

BHL "Jewish Combat" ... Soon playable in Tekken V

And of course the threat of these laws that affect freedom of public speech, that by force of circumstances, we no longer speak of certain subjects for fear of being convicted ... The slippage is always possible ...

Call a spade a spade and a islamobamboula islamobamboula.
Does this act anti-Rom it is not a form of racism and characterized far more serious than what is usually the case may attend to other communities? If we would burn the Marais, you can guess the consequences, even if it was an elected official who set fire.
Still on the anti-Roma racism, Yves Calvi had dropped into his program C in the Air on "the road of Roma", by accumulating all the racist anti-Roma stereotypes, to gypsy thief children! Without doubt he thought himself safe from the vigileance anti-racist organizations, because the Roma are defended by anyone (they do not vote, and anti-racist organizations from a political party not interested). Bad luck for him, a Roma organization had managed to make him stick a warning from CSA.
Lean victory, but symbolic nonetheless ... Yves Calvi even though that does not mince his words on topics dealing with blacks, Arabs or Islam, had shown his true colors during this program. Ultimately, it is said that if there was no LDH or MRAP, not really pugnacious yet the atmosphere négroaraboislamophobe Media is really much worse, if we take this as a standard issue "the road of Roma", which under the pretense of calling "a spade a spade" (provided that the cat does not sue) 's was simply letting off steam on these poor Roma.
When will a law against anti-Roma racism in France? Yet if there is a typical and particularly vulnerable category that deserves special laws ...
But Roma are too poor, nobody cares about their word, they do not vote ... and they have no buying power ...
Compared to them, blacks and Arabs represent them minimal electoral issue, and purchasing power, though few politicized. Therefore the number of votes yet to be found to offset each election. They are among the poorest social strata, and like the poor French-born, they are left unattended.
For we must not forget also the racism that is anti-poor coexists with racism at all.

Neither right nor left ... Neither black nor white ... Neither Zionist nor anti-Zionist ... Poor ...
In fact, I have my little stats for me, and I know a couple of notable African children, who despite being black or Arab, are easily able to win the most prestigious positions, sometimes without having to go maintenance and then to form ...
This is called co-optation, and it relates more class than anything else, although sometimes ethnic, social, sexual and class are that in some circles was more place elsewhere ...
Because yes, we tend to forget, even though blacks and Arabs in France are found down the social ladder today because of slavery and colonial history, the first discrimination is still discrimination by money, and it affects both the French-born French freshly.
More in my next article ... tomorrow maybe!