Stalkers of AJM Negrophobes are: demonstration, and trial of the Mind (and Word) Sole négroaraboislamophobe
Ich und wollen eine totalen radikalen krieg! What the fuck there is nothing else to fuck the day than to scrutinize any ticket AJM trying to spoil her comments?
I regularly read the blog AJM, and comments of its articles are being harassed by a bunch of trash that spam and Zionist Negrophobes literally on his blog. I have already spoken, we have the names, photos ... even
Anyway, go ahead guys, make yourself at home, you only discredit it yourself.
the way, they even take the trouble to sign their posts so it became obvious that they are a handful, excited to see one all day long cons AJM.
As others see anti-Semitism as a Jewish victim of anything, I can not help but see Negrophobia in the way these guys harass AJM. Except that unlike the fantasies which show anti-Semitism in the lower tail of fish, moinde pv for speeding, anti-AJM attacks they are more clearly Negrophobes.
In fact no doubt is Negrophobia, because they deal AJM, Dieudonné, Kémi or any of their targets black in the same way: they say that they are stupid types ( insinuating blacks are less intelligent ), who do not know what they say (as heard blacks are incapable of culture ), expressed clumsily ( insinuating blacks can speak about is the little negro ), which are in the ideological confusion ( insinuating blacks are incapable of have a structured thought ) and are led by hatred ( insinuating blacks can only act under the influence of passion, if not endowed with reason ).
In fact in their harassment, they distil all the racist stereotypes about blacks, going so far as to doubt the study of history has led AJM ( is well known, blacks are not good at studies ).
Haaa that there are good êtwe heads negwes ... Exercise: imagine the same thing with hooked noses and invent a new line of candy haribos ...
They dare to mount a blog called antikémite (do not go read it, you will bring traffic to the Zionist scum who calls himself Wolf ^. White: very probably opposed to Black, this which is an unconscious confession of his license negrophobia) explaining that it was not for them because Negrophobia Kemite is different from black Kemite is a cult, and when they are told we are anti-Zionist and Zionist than we are different from the Jewish, Zionist is a cult, they shout anti-Semitism and stop their ears to the explanations of good faith.
The black cock in your ... negrophobia parochial rag!
course, they deny any negrophobia: they are so used to being negrophobia that for them it's natural, it's not racist to talk about the smell of black for example, or their supposed cultural or intellectual limitations. Elementary my dear Watson: soon waste in agony as the old Nobel will be extolled as justifying pseudo-scientific racist stereotypes about blacks less intelligent than whites, we will arrive soon to confirm the stereotype of Jews smarter that the goyim (taking into account IQ tests, strongly oriented, or the number of Nobel prizes, omitting all the social part that is essential to an understanding of all this: I would return in a forthcoming article).
By the way, look Fogiel emissions, because it repeats almost every time in Negrophobia with his negro Service Felix Eboue, who is in prostitution to get her face on TV ... Shame on him! By using a black columnist, can be Fogiel think you it is not proving as negrophobia, except that as he said repeatedly he will return to its cage if it is not nice, or he takes advantage whenever his conviction for racism spring type: "ho Felix, tell them I'm not racist because I took a black issue." The illustration in all its splendor, the black security service of the racist anti-racist (convicted of such) who does not.
Fogiel to no risk of slipping on the black cock ... the white has a better smell. If anyone knows about Flash, it would be nice to make a compilation of all small spikes of Negrophobes Fogiel available on the internet, just to show that it is not exceptional but rather a skid the rule. There would be material, the false SMS negrophobia, pikes launched against Felix Eboue, small balanced passing remarks to black guests. While it looks nothing taken one by one, so it is finally used to seeing black people treated like that, and so also they hardly react against these acts that seem insignificant but that install a climate. But if we make a mixtape, it'll be a torrent negrophobia Fogiel which will struggle to clear himself.
But of course he will cry anti-Semitism and proclaimed his love for black people ...
Fogiel loves black culture, especially when they disguise themselves as humans with hat and bow tie, they are funny
Ultimately, we must believe that for some racist prejudices about blacks are so ingrained in the culture, this seems to be evidence and they do not even realize what they are doing.
When I think that the tyranny of political correctness today is not the end for some categories of citizens, so much so that there are words we are almost obliged to do so or to speak more softly , given that once in a sentence there for example the word Jew or homosexual partner to the slightest criticism perfectly legitimate, it is burning because of homophobia or anti-Semitic fantasy.
While at the same time, protected by the shield of political correctness that is ultimately up to them, some, like Zemmour, Jewish and may be gay (they are not insults), although writing about the feminization and it kicks manly chin to the top of his 1m60, doing everything they can to free speech negrophobia Arabophobia and most colonial on an air of "they lived better during the colonial era."
Enough is enough, denouncing the feminization Zemmour: Fogiel as he prefers men virile and well sculpted.
one of two things gentlemen hypocrites: where you fight against the tyranny of political correctness, and then we have the right to criticize anyone, or when political correctness protects all classes of citizens.
But we can not say I am against political correctness is insulting to blacks exclusively, Arab and Muslim.
can not say I am against laws memorial to ultimately leave the law Gayssot when discussing the Holocaust, while at the same time everything is done to reduce to nothing the law Taubira, a law that alibi will never be applied and who will never condemn anyone!
Ultimately, the methods used by critics to AJM by Fogiel, BHL Finkielkraut Sarkozy, Zemmour, Redeker, etc. Val. are neither more nor less than the primary but uninhibited racism, because uninhibited types chic tie, types of television and government customs clearance of the French way and encourage them to hold down blacks and Arab-Muslim (not on Jews or homosexuals obviously) giving them the example.
BHL in natural ... Ok, not terrible but BHL is NEVER natural. He is perpetually worried! There he is afraid to miss their train because he has no confidence in this clock has made anti-Semitic delay of 5 minutes when she have seen, look elsewhere: it focuses on purpose, it is a proof. But it is not in BHL: quietly, it also examines his head at the same angle. Normal'Sup was not for nothing!
method to discredit the word of a Muslim will make him a supporter of Islamism, a vicious anti-Jew who keeps a double discourse: this is how it is tariqramadaniser. Playing on the worst stereotypes Islamophobic.
method to discredit the word of a black will make him someone who does not know what he said, an uneducated fool which mixes all, whatever the relevance of his speech: that's how it is dieudonniser. Playing on the worst stereotypes Negrophobes.
can speak publicly about the Arab lobby or even black (although we know that it represents nothing, and it does not even exist, except as instruments of widgets such as AIN or CFCM), but as soon as one says "Jewish lobby" because we deal with anti-Semitic, homophobic or when we speak of "homosexual lobby".
We found the black lobby!
If BHL is accused of being a smooth talker anything that tells a swindler a bit crook at the edges, which does not hesitate to make up stories, and has a questionable taste for luxury and attendance of Hollywood stars, it will immediately be process of compiling old antisemitic stereotypes.
BHL "Jewish Combat" ... Soon playable in Tekken V
If Dray is accused of having an inordinate taste for luxury watches Patek paid 40,000 euros in cash, which he more or less admitted, we will to deal with recycling old cliches Semitic.
Dray hid ostensibly over 40,000 euros on this photo ... François Hollande'll help you find them? If they accuse neocons Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, pushing the Bush administration to war, we will still be processed to recycle the old myth of Jewish conspiracy ...
By cons, we can distill the ideas as how blacks are stupid, have a big cock (which is the cause of their misery in a Sevran envious), are incapable, are polygamous, have no history (see Sarko's speech to Dakkar), stink, or be "more violent than the Arabs" (implying Arabs are dangerous enough but then the excise ...), black girls, there are not cliches, they are facts ... for some! And not just anybody!
Ditto for the Arabs who annually slaughter millions of sheep in their bathtubs (yet Sarko), all married daughters of force (always the same), are slackers who refuse to work more to earn more, again these are facts, not cliches ...
All the weight of democracy and human rights will be used to fight against Islamism, and free the Arab-Muslim While in reality is quite the racism we take individual cases and generalize to an entire group of individuals ...
Yes there are probably some black polygamists in France: the 4 million blacks in France are they all?
Yes there are arranged marriages among some Muslims, as in some Asian cathos or ... All the Maghreb are they forced into marriage?
In fact it is as if we generalize the case of BHL to all Jews to say, all Jews are rich, they are all liars and they are ready for their sub (BHL loser stock market and requiring the repayment of its losses from trading company! unheard !!!).
I could generalize the case of a number of French saying that all French are cuckolds since the president is ... One could also say that all French are pedophiles because there have been several cases of pedophile cases condemning French international ...
That is racism ...
Hahaha, I can already say racist comments: no it is not the same for blacks and Arabs is true, for others not.
Why is it possible to do that for blacks, Arabs or Muslims and not really for gays or Jews?
Especially because there are laws of exceptions that protect certain categories and not others. This is not the only factor, but it plays.
These laws are clearly unconstitutional because the constitution does not recognize that citizens, irrespective of religion, origin or sexual orientation. If we begin to categorize people based on religion or another, we violate the republican spirit.
In fact, there should a comprehensive law on discrimination, religious, sexual, ethnic or social. A law that would protect all citizens equally. If a Jew, black, homosexual, poor is discriminated based on religion, erotic preferences or social status, it should be equally protected by law.
Instead, we have a law that protects homosexuals, making them a special class of citizens. It is unconstitutional, and this contributes to the ghettoization of homosexuals. Normality would protect homosexuals as a citizen at all, discriminated on an aspect their privacy. Same for Jews.
Or should pass laws on racism antinoir, anti-Arab or anti-Muslim: there are more blacks, Arabs and Muslims than Jews or gay, if the National Assembly holds both categorized according to the French ethno-religious origins or sexual preferences, it also gives these laws to categories that may be 15 million people.
And of course the threat of these laws that affect freedom of public speech, that by force of circumstances, we no longer speak of certain subjects for fear of being convicted ... The slippage is always possible ...
So this is how in less than a generation, people are conditioned to censor themselves or to think carefully before saying anything for certain categories of citizens ... Not on others, of course, because television encourages the contrary ...
should therefore be that blacks, Arabs and Muslims also obtain laws that specifically protect the discrimination they suffer for the sake of peace ...
course, the truth is that these special laws have been voted by the action of lobbies more or less influential, and this also applies to the law Taubira, Ms. Taubira who devoted his life and parliamentary career to pass this legislation to be completely castrated (and as such should not even longer appear as a law, because I do not know if there are many others like it, laws that do nothing and punish anything, but are there for show and serve as an alibi): Madam Taubira was a lobby in its own right.
Another finding also evident, we do not treat me as homophobic or anti-Semitic: the enactment of these laws was only possible because these lobbyists represented significant financial interests. Jews are well represented in the higher social classes, as well as in politics and the media, which is not the case with blacks and Arabs, all things considered. Homosexuals are considered to have a good standard of living, couples without children are generally good and socially, at least in Paris. But it is also true that never speaks of homosexuals and disabled poor, not enough can be glamorous ...
In any case this is obvious: we will never see the Roma (gypsies) to pass a law defending them, they are treated like the worst shit throughout Europe.
Call a spade a spade and a islamobamboula islamobamboula.
There are still only 2 years, a mayor had even set fire to Roma camp, destroying the few assets these poor people had. Michael Habig, Mayor of Ensisheim Alsatian, had burned a Roma camp, was only sentenced to six months suspended prison sentence and 5,000 euro fine, and expressed satisfaction at the outcome. Roma caravan owners have never dared to come forward, they were not compensated and no doubt they are gone the ranks of the homeless and street beggars, who have now lost their homes for shelter and warmth.
Does this act anti-Rom it is not a form of racism and characterized far more serious than what is usually the case may attend to other communities? If we would burn the Marais, you can guess the consequences, even if it was an elected official who set fire.
Still on the anti-Roma racism, Yves Calvi had dropped into his program C in the Air on "the road of Roma", by accumulating all the racist anti-Roma stereotypes, to gypsy thief children! Without doubt he thought himself safe from the vigileance anti-racist organizations, because the Roma are defended by anyone (they do not vote, and anti-racist organizations from a political party not interested). Bad luck for him, a Roma organization had managed to make him stick a warning from CSA.
Lean victory, but symbolic nonetheless ... Yves Calvi even though that does not mince his words on topics dealing with blacks, Arabs or Islam, had shown his true colors during this program. Ultimately, it is said that if there was no LDH or MRAP, not really pugnacious yet the atmosphere négroaraboislamophobe Media is really much worse, if we take this as a standard issue "the road of Roma", which under the pretense of calling "a spade a spade" (provided that the cat does not sue) 's was simply letting off steam on these poor Roma.
When will a law against anti-Roma racism in France? Yet if there is a typical and particularly vulnerable category that deserves special laws ...
But Roma are too poor, nobody cares about their word, they do not vote ... and they have no buying power ...
Compared to them, blacks and Arabs represent them minimal electoral issue, and purchasing power, though few politicized. Therefore the number of votes yet to be found to offset each election. They are among the poorest social strata, and like the poor French-born, they are left unattended.
For we must not forget also the racism that is anti-poor coexists with racism at all.
Neither right nor left ... Neither black nor white ... Neither Zionist nor anti-Zionist ... Poor ...
If the stats showed that an Arab surname on a resume was as equally qualified there were 6 times less likely to get an interview, they also showed that being from a poor neighborhood and poorly known (93, 4000 ...) also reduced the chances, it was French.
In fact, I have my little stats for me, and I know a couple of notable African children, who despite being black or Arab, are easily able to win the most prestigious positions, sometimes without having to go maintenance and then to form ...
This is called co-optation, and it relates more class than anything else, although sometimes ethnic, social, sexual and class are that in some circles was more place elsewhere ...
Because yes, we tend to forget, even though blacks and Arabs in France are found down the social ladder today because of slavery and colonial history, the first discrimination is still discrimination by money, and it affects both the French-born French freshly.
More in my next article ... tomorrow maybe!