Four months after the accession of Nicolas Sarkozy as President of French Republic
, France-TV broadcasts in prime time TV
a film of his glory: HB Human Bomb - Kindergarten hostage. These
the reconstruction of a news story of 1993.
An unbalanced strapped with explosives took hostage 21 children and a teacher in a kindergarten in Neuilly-sur-Seine, demanding a ransom of 100 million francs. Listening only to his courage, the mayor and budget minister at the time, Nicolas Sarkozy, negotiated with the hostage taker and gave him money to save the children.
Ultimately, the imbalance was shot by police.
"Force remained in the Act," concluded the Minister of Interior Charles Pasqua
omnipresent behind the scenes throughout the event.
Strangely, 14 years later, the French press comments on the TV movie without asking any further on the facts he describes. However, at the time, a lively debate between magistrates and police, even giving rise to a trial Corrections.
of court proceedings, to which this writer has attended, we could
remember the following points:
- It was unclear what has caused the imbalance to commit the act, if has been manipulated or if it acts on its own initiative. No investigation had been done on this point.
- The police had conducted a security perimeter around the school, where the hostage taker will activate his explosives. However this scope was restricted to allow the media to follow the event and it was so small that
offered no security. Everything happens as if the police knew
the danger of explosion was not real.
the police had left a minister in office to negotiate with the gunman as if they knew them, it was unlikely his life.
- unidentified police officers, in conjunction with Minister Charles Pasqua and unbeknownst to their colleagues, firefighters and prosecutors had drugged the coffee hostage taker so he was fast asleep when the Team intervention has emerged and shot him in interpreting it as a threat that was only a gesture in his sleep.
- Nobody had seen pleading indicating the return to the Accountant General of the ransom paid from the Treasury
released by the Minister of Budget.
short, at the time, the Justice ruled that the officer who fired was unaware that his colleagues had drugged the gunman, but the question arose whether the hostage-taker had not been manipulated by men close to Charles Pasqua to provide an opportunity to his spiritual son Nicolas Sarkozy to stage, if the conditions of its implementation were not created to erase the traces of manipulation, and if the handlers had not been handsomely rewarded with
money from the Treasury.
It is regrettable that these legitimate questions have still not been answered and that the press had even forgotten. A great Parisian publisher had told us in 2006 will publish a survey on this topic during the presidential campaign and are ultimately abandoned.
The group "Stop mystific (a) tion Notable so guilty," objects to the release the TV movie "Notable therefore guilty" inspired by the case-Alegre Baudis, claimed Tuesday afternoon "exclusive interview" live on Wednesday at the JT 20h France-2.
In a statement, members of the group who applied to the chain television to give airtime to victims' families say "stay for 12 days without any response" and had "been excluded from the plateau of the debate, like the journalists who had followed the issue Alegre.
In the same document, the group that gathers Stop forgetting, association of families of victims of the case Alegre, former prosecutor Michel Breard, writing the regional daily La Depeche du Midi "and the old Director of Investigation Michel Roussel, makes France-2 but also Radio France "guilty of significant hearing loss."
Critics of this fiction by Francis Girod, programmed in two parts Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and inspired by the work of Marie-France Etchegoin and Matthew Aron "The Bonfire of Toulouse," the thesis of the TV movie "disguises the reality of justice" and "intolerable pressure on justice, while five cases are under investigation and another twenty waiting to be opened. "
For its part, the program director of France-2 told The Associated Press that "this movie is not a documentary about a case or an investigation" and that its purpose was to "dissect the mechanism rumor and the media frenzy. "
"Members of the group asked to be heard but we have not responded to their request for the simple reason that this film is not a film justice, "said a spokesman for the chain.
Sentenced to life, the killer Patrice Alegre series is still under investigation in five other murder cases, under investigation, including that of Line Galbardi. On the sidelines of the record, began in spring 2003 Case Alegre-Baudis following statements two former prostitutes. They accused the police and community leaders, including former mayor of Toulouse and an assistant attorney Marc Bourragué to have participated in evenings sadomasochism in the years 1990 to Toulouse with the serial killer. The case ended in a nonsuit General March 23, 2005 in favor of Dominique Baudis and Marc Bourragué.
Founded in 2004, the association Stop oblivion has about 500 members and lists 49 cases of crimes and unsolved disappearances in the 1990s in Toulouse.
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