Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wedding Cardmessageblog

GM, Microsoft ... Lobbying and political marketing in Sarkozia

Here is a short dispatch on the trivial end of the "Grenelle of the environment": link yahoo .

The key excerpts from the mail:


FNSEA vetoed Thursday reduction target of 50% of the use of pesticides
in ten years, announced Arnaud Gossement , spokesman
France Nature Environment. " The FNSEA spoke again to explain that they
disagreed "and" questioned the objective of reducing encrypted
decade of pesticides, "said Mr. Gossement in the court the Department of Ecology
by expressing his "disappointment".

Suddenly, the Minister of Ecology "Jean-Louis Borloo has Acte a goal that remains one of the Grenelle of 50% in ten years, but subject to the development of alternatives , "he said. This means that" if there no alternative to pesticides for agriculture now, we can not achieve the target of 50%.
"So we keep the goal, but obviously it is fragile," lamented the door
critic FNE . " The FNSEA highlighted the fact that it was not that
French agriculture is in competition with products which themselves are
products with pesticides, including Spain , "he said.

I bolded the most important passage in this extract.

you think what does it cover?

is simple: it is all a tactic to ensure that GMOs be seen as a solution to reduce pesticide use. That is what the producers of GMOs as Monsanto years.

could be surprised to see such a large reduction in pesticide use without reactions from the chemical industry lobbies ...

It turns out that the major manufacturers GMOs, are also key companies producing pesticides.

So what they are willing to accept as a reduction of one side (sell two times less pesticide to France), believe they have all worked to retrieve the other (to advance the cause of GMOs in EU, through France, a country most resistant. In Eastern Europe Eastern believe me that the fields GMOs are already legion, but the peasants n ' have no right to speak in those countries emerging from communism and where people live in almost the same dumb policy at the time of the Berlin Wall ). This whole charade


In fact, the French government was simply giving in to the marketing methods of American political communication firms. This

dozens of years that these firms have experience in handling mass structured to convey their decisions by taking membership bleating masses .

particular, they have always managed to put the interest of the chemical industry as a way to address environmental problems.

We remember so all of the hole in the ozone layer there is a score years, which concerned us so much.

It was concluded that it was necessary to replace CFCs in aerosols. In fact, this has greatly benefited the American chemical industry has been marketing its own patented palliative to replace CFCs , without having any real effect on the ozone layer, which ultimately everyone cares TODAY 'hui.

is why when I see a Borloo or Sarkozy take head on the issue of ecology, I can not help but be wary ...

Certainly if Sarkozy was content to say: "We will liberalize culture GMO to reduce pesticide use," it would have raised even more protests.

Presenting things in reverse, claiming that pesticides are the problem, and GM solution, things go more easily, with the active complicity of the media.

is also why I can not help having doubts when I see Al Gore get the nobel prize peace ... While it has a minimum liability of 1.5 million dead in Iraq under the embargo Clinton administration ... But after all, Kissinger, architect of war, had also won the Nobel of peace in 75: we live in an Orwellian world where they are butchers who receive awards of peace!

This method put forward in the media a "problem" before of unexpectedly at the last moment and present a solution providential, was also adopted by the government Sarkozy on the debate on the weight of the binder school.

The binder has always been heavy, I remember having suffered much in elementary school! It's been a century they should have a solution! Would that the obvious solution of lockers for students to take with them with the bare necessities of books and notebooks.

But the hype in recent weeks on the weight of the schoolbag was hiding something else: to convey the idea that in this era of internet , it would be better for children to equip them e-book, or tablet-pc ...

course, behind this measure, the weight of IT-American lobby , led by Microsoft, which enjoys very good relations with all political French (from left Jospin the right Sarkozyist ).

The challenge is not so much to sell equipment, but also to sell software licenses, and put one foot in the field of electronic textbooks, which represents a huge market.

So rather than tell parents "in the years ahead, it will consider paying e-books to your children, and all cd-roms that go with it," we begin by presenting things as problem solving unfair ...

marketing is a way to manufacture consent, totally American, converted to the French.

Our ministers are more than VRP large U.S. companies (Monsanto , Microsoft ...).

It also reminds me of the words or Sarkozy Kouchner the times when they tripped over the carpet ...

With its retroactive deduction mortgage interest rejected by the Constitutional Council, Sarkozy had decided to increase the deductible amount for the handle of his constituents who had finally right (all PRIMOS-time buyers who purchased a property after September 2007). We do not support the tackle, he had dared to say on this occasion: "I turn a disadvantage into an opportunity." A sentence

seller's supermarket! Another small annoyance

, Kouchner the going into the war , who after his calls for war against Iran , and before the outcry, one eye saw his reputation become contrite : yesterday it was considered a man of peace (which he has never been seen my many articles on past commitments real and how opinion has been manipulated to make him a humanist) and today it has become a going into the war (easy when no self, nor his children may go on the battlefield).

So it has continued every time he has had the opportunity to repeat that he had been misunderstood and that he was a man of peace, and he repeated that much in nauseous when we really know the character ... He just wanted to defend its image apparent, and could not bear to be seen as what it really is.

But it is true that in Iran things jostle at lightning speed, and just returned from Israel , We can consider that Kouchner lost his composure under pressure Israeli orders ...

It is also true that given the difficulty to sell the war in Iran (after the lies about WMD in Iraq ), and that whatever way things are presented, there remains as media strategy that the frontal attack: claim without providing justification anyway Iran will be bombed ... while multiplying the subjects on the situation of women, the executions of death row etc, to make the country untenable ... While in

in reality things are more complex Iran: situation of women has improved greatly since the days of the Shah (despite everything we can tell). Apart from religious prohibitions as the veil, the female literacy rate has soared, and now represent the majority of university students, and they rose up the social ladder, more and more of their positions being authorized. When
to death sentences, when pedophile child rapist is executed, it is presented as a gay innocent convicted solely for his sexual tastes.

I am against the death penalty, but I am also against the misrepresentation of the facts, it comes from our media or the Iranian government for that matter.

Thus the Iranian president had said that in his country, there was no homosexuality in the U.S.. He probably meant that homosexuals live their sexuality hidden, and they do not spread in the gay pride events . Maybe you it has been misinterpreted.

Anyway anyone having wandered in Muslim countries that you assert there as here, homosexuality is a reality.

Homosexuals in these countries is not displayed publicly as such, they live their sexuality in private and without advertising. But they are not systematically hunted down and executed as the Nazi regime, as would like to believe that the media are doing everything to make us conflate Iran with Nazi Germany, as the old Zionist propaganda of characterizing while opponents of Hitler !


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