Hahaha! I'm tired!
In my last article I talked about the hidden stakes in the debate on DNA testing, in speculating that purposes of discussion, was to admit to the populace the need and interest to conduct mass registration and control of large DNA.
Everyone knows that claims to want to fight against crime to impose measures that ultimately fall on all citizens by depriving them gradually a little more freedom.
Thus, the genetic filing of pedophiles has become widespread, so much so that a simple refusal to comply with an identity check (which sometimes just means they have dared speak to the police so that he was in no mood) can lead us to the position and saliva, so at FILING.
U.S. method after all: I do not know if what we see in the series is true, but we often see cops connect to databases and view any citizen stuck with her photo often for a simple speeding ...
Anyway, the insistence with which we were driven into the skull of the need and appropriateness of such tests DNA for eventual aim of all our file of course! Welcome to
Well this conspiracy and pessimistic (but realistic I think) of our society is being confirmed with the planned deployment of UAVs to monitor the cities! Heard on the radio this morning with a debate between the mayor of Bondy and a cop "David Barrabas" or a biblical name like that, very young back cons of city that launched washing machines from the 20th floor (a myth the mayor of Bondy).
Indeed there was a precedent July 14, 2006 ... As an experiment! Above the 9-3!
Ambiance Gaza, when the children are awakened at night by the terrifying sound of the drones! And yes: Israeli engineers have improved the device not to make stealthy and silent, but rather to create an atmosphere of threat and vigilance in order to make crazy Palestinians.
Only in the occupied territories that the drones are used for police missions to my knowledge ... I've never heard of such use elsewhere, especially not in Europe. Even in Bush's America I have not heard, yet the darling of American freedom has been eroded in the name of the fight against terrorism ... So
outside the occupied territories, it is only in war zones in Afghanistan or Iraq, or in the target areas for future wars, Syria, Lebanon and Iran, as drones are used. Let
for espionage, the primary use, or for targeted assassinations. The drones are armed with a miniaturized weapon system in this case. One can even imagine drones who are suicide bombers blow up at their destination ...
So this is how they deceive the world by playing again on the latent racism of the people (you know that the UN has pinned France for its institutionalized racism she considers, studies independent of the UN with tend to show that the glass ceiling is widespread, and that compared to many countries developed, a wog or a nigga from the cities is more difficult to cope, even with advanced degrees, indicating a segregation that dare not speak its name).
And yes: the gooks and niggers cities have good back! Tomorrow drones continue your vehicle for any speeding!
You are already tracking your payments by credit card, your mobile phone (triangulation which gives a precision of less than 100 meters in urban areas with high density relay terminals), tomorrow by your DNA, and more of that, cameras everywhere and drones now!
Close your mouths, it's for your own good!
I do not mean the flicage internet which is real since the LEN2, which imposes a heavy fine (several tens of thousands of euros) publication of any photos or videos on the Internet a public event if there is no power (press pass).
And yes, during the student protests last year, Internet users were suspicious "traces" of the thugs with the camera video from their cell phones ...
were seen djeun'z thugs dressed in hooded and with slings of rabble heard in Arab city throwing stones, breaking windows, smashing windshields of cars ...
And shortly after these thugs across police barriers, being gently discuss with riot police ...
The cops infiltrated the rally anti-cpe paris 28/03/2006
sent creaminal2001
And a little later we saw the challenge of thugs djeun'z, real those ...
short, it is bad form ...
Other images had done wrong gender: compared to images released by the ORTF1 and ORTFrance2-3, images taken by passers-by to the north station denoted completely ...
We were told that hordes of thugs were bitter against the windows: actually Images citizens (not in the media) showed a guy isolated, masked, who acted alone and n had nothing to do with the people around him, some verbal encouragement, but quite a few others asked him to stop ... A provocateur?
We know that some rascals "flagged" cities, which regularly act as indicators (conventional method, it takes them to the post for one reason or another, and instead of custody they will make their report) are also "paid" to go breaking demonstrations, or go break windows, especially if there are cameras ... The chronology of events keeps the north also leave many believing it was a stunt (the altercation that had supposedly led to the riots had occurred several hours there is a curious convergence of dozens of hooded youths, who seemed terribly synchronous).
Anyway, all this and more information outlets Germany on the fact that the riots in the suburbs in 2005 had been manipulated by Israeli agents in soft which appear officially as safety adviser to Sarkozy (Remember the story of the garage filled with Molotov cocktails ready for Employment: it would be a barbouzerie ), all this tells me that it's been over 5 years with the media we bassinent insecurity to justify everything!
As I concluded in the previous article, so much for the French, they are victims of their own vices ...
Everybody's laughing at these stories or drones DNA becaufe is intended to apply to gooks and niggers, but ultimately it is everyone who has in the ass ...
And if what the UN says is true, anyway it seems that the situation can not be much worse for the people of the towns, who in their majority are not criminals and terrorists even less. They are already locked up in their substandard public housing with no hope of leaving the grayness, lack of opportunities, then we can add cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles ...
PS: getting back on UAV technology, a small clarification. For now, the drones are about the size of model aircraft, piloted by Liaison satellite television. But the future of UAVs the size of an insect. The laws of fluid mechanics are different in their scale, bulk should not be guided by the flight of birds, but that of insects. The dragonfly is particularly studied, it flies very stable and can stand still.
With nanotechnology, we can imagine tomorrow drones the size of a mosquito, and consumes very little energy, so with a relatively self-interest. These UAVs could commit espionage, or simply carry the poison ... Excellent for eliminating an opponent!
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