Even if not looking at the TV, and listening to the radio shortly, difficult to escape ...
It seems that the haunting question of the moment are the DNA tests which the State wants to submit candidates for immigration ...
Being an old timer used media-handling policies, this is what comes to mind:
- launching such a stir, as the government seeks to hide?
Because while you excited about the DNA tests, there is no discussion at all of the rest of the law, which is not confined to this ...
First fear, then, that Sarkozy makes us the scope of the "door in his face." Technical
classic mass manipulation: to swallow a pill digest, is mounted in an episode mayonnaise entirely secondary, unrelated to see the main subject, and particularly shocking to focus attention on the victim this detail ...
In the end, we can even afford to drop the proposal shameful or too big ... By buying a line of Democrat ... And during that time, the real action we want to pass are not discussed, and finally they go!
So something tells me we are trying to fly an important debate ... the rest of the immigration bill? Or something else?
Because the exemplary case of the veil which had focused the attention of the media (accomplices obviously) some years ago, while we were passing painful reforms on pensions in the back of the French, I learned that sometimes a case could be exploited for purposes that had nothing to do with it!
Another great method of mass manipulation: the Bolkestein directive ... One axis opinion on a particular aspect of its proposal unacceptable ... It is a media campaign and at the end he withdrew from the country of origin ... But everything else happens as a letter in the mail, without it there was a debate! The principle of country of origin has cannibalized all the debate around the case Bolkestein.
Another example of this manipulation so crude but effective: we are a European constitution which lays in the grave marble Parts 1 and 2 the economic subjugation of the EU to the WTO (U.S. satellite television) and submission to NATO Military (Satellite America) ... These parts 1 and 2 are subject to a Part 3 illegible and that nobody has read and has no place in a constitution ... The constitution is rejected by the people, and is accused of Part 3, that Sarkozy wants to repeal democratically: nice concession in order to keep the only real important parts (but which already contain the seeds of the submission to USA) Parts 1 and 2 ... Sarkozy is thus perceived as a pragmatist and a Democrat when in reality it's just a virtuoso of the methods of mass manipulation (used including in advertising and sales techniques).
Besides the debate on immigration, we talk about public sector reforms and safety, the war in Iran ... This history of DNA would she not there to create a media buzz and prevent public opinion to focus on other subjects?
in 39 just before the "phony war", the opinion was focused on the color of the new military fatigues, and the fact to decide between the canopy or umbrella to prevent the soldier from catching cold ... A fine example of circumventing the real issues!
Ajourd'hui nothing has changed! Last
interesting thing: polls show that the French are split 50/50 on the interests of those DNA tests ...
Now without any issue related to immigration, and knowing the Sarkozy method, a hidden agenda of this debate may simply be generalized genetic filing of citizens ... What better way to buy the consent to go smoothly?
It begins by accepting the genetic filing of sex offenders, what Sarkozy did in 2003, eventually extended to all offenders (I read that the police took your breath at the slightest custody for milder stories and refuse removal amounted to a single appearance before a judge immediately ...). Today, they are no longer just sex offenders or offenders at all, nor suspects (ie potentially all those who can find the position, if only for speeding) but they are all applicants for immigration who are covered by the FILING ...
Tomorrow will be the next step everyman ...
is how the little racist who sees a good eye that form the DNA of the gooks and niggers will eventually have it in the ass ... and this will be done well: they voted for Sarkozy, he assume it for 5, 10, 15-year reign to come!
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