Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cake Boss Business Plan

BREAKING NEWS: Ireland has made its choice!

Player, Ireland is the bay. If one were to establish a barometer of the country to the brink of collapse, totally desperate, Ireland would probably hot cocoa, come on, just ahead of the Netherlands (another country now on the brink of death). In these cases, two things can happen. The country can send a desperate candidate of laughter (as Dustin the Turkey, Irish turkey puppet that comes out of the crapper) or a candidate heavy artillery doubled in value safe (Niamh Kavanagh, winner 1993, back last year). Problem: Ireland has played these two jokers, the two are meaty. We are therefore witnessing the agony Irish live with voices rising here and there ( shoot them! or send the Cranberries! ). Meanwhile, Ireland has chosen its candidate for 2011, it is Jedward singing Lipstick .

As you can see, it's awful. As Alain Delon, Ireland is an old glory which has more zest for life. The Jedward, which are a kind of phenomenon across the Channel, are almost hated by the world - finally Ireland and the United Kingdom (except Calvin Harris and Robbie Williams, who would it seems fans, I guess that is consistent with the first part of the sentence). But at least this ugly music performed by two species of transgenic Bros children should get a big laugh at their mega-revamped necessarily benefit the evening of Eurovision. Uh, the night of the semi final of Eurovision, after that seems more complicated.


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