Good Montenegro, for now it's only three appearances coupled with Serbia, and yet only three appearances alone. Difficult blow to furnish a top five, or even a top three. No, no, no, not at all the poor quality of their songs is at stake! Absolutely not! Do not try to make us speak ill of the key countries of Eurovision, and its quality tubes! ... Oh what I expect in my headset? Montenegro withdrew from the contest since last year and has no plans to go back now? Bon ben ... We will try not hold on and stay strong. Snif ...
1. Andrea - Just get out of my life (2009)
The swansong of the country. Before draping his pseudo-dignity and stop costs after several non-songs, Montenegro will have at least sent a real good candidate Andrea. We do not know much about Andrea, and anyway there is not the issue, since, more than the performer, the composer is the real star of this song. Just get out my life is indeed born from the pen of Ralph Siegel, the king of Eurovision, author of madness tubes in series through the decades (Dschinghis Khan The Dad, Lou, Mekado ...). Wonders, indeed! Besides this song is a little model of subtle melody, while arpeggios convoluted, with a joyful chorus written jackhammer. And yet, yet, yet, despite all the money spent to pay for these luxury pens (about 75% of GDP, according to our estimates), Andrea bidet. Perhaps because she had the misfortune to enter its first semifinal, and she seemed very lonely on what was the biggest stage ever built by the competition. Since then, over Andrea's new, more news of Montenegro, but also more news from our favorite composer, and there is worse!
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