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President |
The chamberlain drew back the two wings of the office door, and stood aside to let the advisor.
- You made me ask Mr. President?
- Yes my little Frank, sit down.
Councillor walked with small steps quickly to the chair as he pointed to the illustrious personage, and sat down with the tip of the buttock. Legs together, hands clasped, he waited until the President deigns to look back to it.
After a moment, the President put out the console, put it away in the drawer of his desk and raised her eyes to his interlocutor.
- Franck, I'm gonna need your talents in communication ...
- Luckily, interrupted his counselor, that's why you pay me!
jaw twitched the President and a nervous tic waved his right shoulder. The casualness with which his adviser was taking their relationship never ceased to irritate ... But the hefty guy was in his field, and the President would have had trouble without it. It was therefore with, but it cost him visibly.
- Frank, you were vain, but my message and the steps I took in Grenoble are not sufficiently reported in the media. I remind you anyway if I'm pointing at the rednecks instead of going on vacation with Carlita, was advice to you and to forget the crap that jerk of Woerth.
- Mr. ...
- Shut up, I have not finished!
's face became livid and advise the palms of his hands began to become moist.
Satisfied with its effect, the President again on a calmer tone.
- So it's very simple, you will leave your fingers ass and do your job. By the end of the holidays I demand that every French person has one thing in mind, the funk of immigrants. You Sort this out as you you want, but I want them to shit in their pants! Do you understand me?
- Yes Mr. President ...
- Perfect. So I'm listening.
-Er ... I beg your pardon ...
- I'm listening. What you propose as a plan of action? And Magne you because I have a massage in five minutes.
-Hum ... Well I think we could launch a major media ...
Well. Then?
- Perform basic, sending men to fire and distill a message anxiety and repetitive ...
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Councillor |
As and when his brain got underway, the face of Counsel resumed colors. His hands waved in the air as if they drew imaginary plans. An early erection began to be felt in the palm of his pants.
- We could, for example, we rely on a survey and demonstrate, with supporting figures, that the French overwhelmingly support your policy. If they are told that is what they want, those idiots will believe it's true and ...
- how do you go to tweak the figures ? I know that most pollsters bossent for us, but there he will still have their make a big effort ...
- Er ... I had thought to ask Laurence ...
- Parisot? Yeah, well done. This bitch can not refuse. If she is dragging their feet, tell her she has no choice. That or his pension reform goes out the window.
Councillor who now bandaged like a serf, wriggled more beautiful when the President resumed.
- that Sort this out as she wants to, but I want some heavy this time. Not a small survey to bite me-the-node with small paddles trends. I want a plebiscite !
Adviser noted nervously on his block.
- A bi-sci-ple-te, well Mr. President. So if I'm good, this time it comes out the big guns ... Intensive propaganda and disinformation ... But ...
- But what?
- You do not fear that the media do not find the string a little big?
my small Franck-It is your job. And do not expect me to do it for you. You shut me everything. I want the square, the unanimous. And the first one that shit in the boots, you nail me to the wall. Is what I'm making myself clear?
- Yes Sir. However, if I allow me, we still have not mastered very well in the blogosphere.
- The what?
- The blogosphere Mr. President. Blogs. While the mainstream media follow us on this one, I doubt that blogs allow opposition banana the same way ...
-Damn! These leftists are shit shit! You think there will be smart enough to disassemble the thing ?
- It's likely Mr. President.
- Well, for now we can not do anything until the law on the Internet has not gone ... At the same time, the vast majority of my constituents do not have internet, so we will ignore them and that's it. But you will keep an eye on all this in case ...
- I put the internal intelligence on the spot?
- They already are.
- Ah? Well ...
The President rose, indicating the caller that the meeting was over.
- Franck, I'm counting on you, do not disappoint me. I want you router on this blow.
- Count me Mr. President.
Adviser in Communication from the Elysee was preparing to leave the presidential office, when the voice of the President is heard again.
Ah, Frank, before you get to work made me happy ...
- Anything you want Mr. President!
- Change futal do you want?
Councillor looked down and saw the task before the halo of his pants. The red-cheeked, he hid the object of his shame with his briefcase and left.
Left alone, the President is split into a small predatory smile. Frank had thought that one annoying, you could not tell him he did not like his job. It's not ...
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